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Elise POV

"Today's the day" Alice says busting into the room where me and Emmett was laying in our bed while I ate ice cream.

"Alice do you ever knock?" Emmett ask her and Alice doesn't respond to him and just grab my arm and pull me out of bed away from my ice cream.
I pout and whine about not having my sweets with me but Alice just keep dragging me to her room.

"You will be fine and you need to eat healthy for the baby" she tells me and I roll my eyes.
"Don't you think I tried that it only leads up to me throwing it up"
"Whatever Let's just get you ready"

I nod and watch as she speeds around the room getting everything she needs while I pull a candy bar out my pocket and start eating it.
'I wonder if after I have this baby will I still be able to eat?' I think to myself before shrugging.
"Might as well enjoy it now" I say to myself.

Time skip

I finally have escaped Alice and walked downstairs in my outfit.
I wasn't gonna put the cap and gown on till I got to the school.

I wasn't gonna put the cap and gown on till I got to the school

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Her outfit

I walk over to Emmett as esme takes pictures.
I'm so ready to get this over with.
I know everyone can see the little bump I got since I'm so small it's more easier to tell, luckily people might just think I eat to much.

Time skip

We're at the school and my mom won't stop crying for some reason.
Dad keeps making threats to Emmett but then say he's playing when he's serious.
Bella is well Bella.
"Mom calm down you act like I'm dying I'm only graduating" I tell her and she smiles at me before attacking me into a hug.

"Ok mom I have to go take my seat" I say and she nods letting me go.

"Ok mom I have to go take my seat" I say and she nods letting me go

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Her cap and gown

"These things make me itch" I say to Emmett lowly and he laughs.
"Just a little longer babe" he tells me and I just look back at one of the kids give a speech.
After she was done they start calling names.

"Elise swan" I hear and I get up and walk to the stage,
I can hear everyone clapping and cheering with my dad and Emmett being the loudest.
I laugh and walk to the principal and grab my diploma and shake his hand.
I then walk off stage still feeling a little embarrassed by my dad and Emmett being so loud but at the same time I appreciate them.

So it makes me happy too.
I take a seat and wait for them to tell us to switch the string thingy on our cap.
When they finally say we can we all do and then we throw them up in the air.

"We did it babe" I yell before jumping into his arms as he spins me around and kiss me.

"Now just to do it the next time we move again and then we do it again and again" he says and I roll my eyes before kissing him to shut him up.
"Well as long as we do it together" I tell him and he nods agreeing with me.

I walk over to my family as they all smile at me.
"I'm so proud of you blue" dad then hugs me and I inhale his sent just so I can always remember it.
"Thanks daddy" I say like a little kid.
But then again I was always a daddy's girl I never really bonded with my mom like Bella did.

"Your going to college right?" My mom ask me after she took some pictures.
"Yea I am" I tell her and she gets an even bigger smile on her face.
"Congrats" Bella says and I hug her before pulling away.
I know I gotta tell my parents about me being pregnant now or else I'm never gonna do it.

"Mom, dad I gotta tell you something" I fiddle with my fingers nervously and they look at me waiting for what I have to say.
"I-I'm pregnant!" I shout out and they both look surprised and frozen in shock.
"Mom?,dad? Got anything to say?" I ask after they been quiet for a few minutes.
"I think you broke them" Bella tells me and I push her a little while saying shut up.

"I don't know what to say" dad finally speaks up and I look at mom.
"I'm proud of you and I'm happy to have a grandson or granddaughter" mom tells me and I let out a chuckle.
'My parents are cool I don't know why I was so scared' I think to myself before I jump into my parents arms and hug them while they laugh at my childish ways.


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