Newborn army

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Elise POV

I walked into my room and watch teo and Riley as they slept in my bed which I don't need but like having.

I slowly close the door after watching them for a minute and walk downstairs where everyone is talking about something.
"What's going on?" I ask and I see Bella holding her hand.
"I broke my hand punching Jacob in the face" Bella tells me as Carlisle starts wrapping it.

"Wow badass" I say and Emmett laughs as he stands up in the couch.
"That's what I said" he tells me and I roll my eyes.
"Hey off the couch" I tell him and he just sits on the top of it with his feet still on it.

"Your gonna be one tuff newborn" Emmett tells Bella and she laughs.
"Tough enough to take you and Elise on" she says and I laugh "oh please" I say and Rosalie then stomps out the room.

"I think you should go talk to her then you will understand" I tell bella and she nods before getting up and following rose.

After the talk bella and rose has they walk back in and we start talking about the newborn army.
"So What's are plan?" I ask and Carlisle sighs as he looks at me.
"We go to them if the voulti doesn't do anything"

"Cool we're gonna kick some ass" Emmett says walking along the couch again.
"Hopefully it doesn't come to that" I say before I hear a little voice.
"Mommy" I speed upstairs and open the door to see teo sitting up in bed while Riley lays there chewing on her teddy bear.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask walking over and he hugs me "I had a bad dream" he tells me and I rub his back and kiss his head.
"That's all it was a dream none of it was true" I tell him and he nods against me.
"Everything ok?" Emmett ask walking into the room and I nod as he then picks up Riley.

"Mom can we go out and get food with grandpa?" Teo ask me.
I nod and pick him up before sitting him down.
"Sure I will go and call grandpa and ask him" I say and teo nods before he runs over to Emmett who plays with him and Riley.
I watch them with a smile on my face even though I'm still a little worried about this newborn army.

Time skip

"Come on teo lets go get dressed" I say and he nods running over to me and I catch him before I walk upstairs with him in my arms.
I think it's good that me and teo are gonna go spend time with Charlie.
I always want my kids around him and I think Charlie likes having them around anyway.

"Mom let's put on this" Teo says pointing at a outfit that will match his.
I laugh and say "ok let's do it" he then kiss my cheek and I smile and kiss his.

I laugh and say "ok let's do it" he then kiss my cheek and I smile and kiss his

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Their outfit

"Ok let's go" I say after fixing my hair.
"Yeaa!" Teo yells running downstairs which would give me a heart attack if I was still human.

"Bye Emmett" Teo says waving at him and Emmett waves back.
"I will be back babe" I say kissing him before opening the door and letting teo run out to the car.
"Mom your going so slow" Teo whine and I laugh.
"No your going to fast" I say opening the door and letting him climb in the truck.

As where in the car teo calls me and I look back at him for a second before looking back at the road where I see or think I see Victoria.
I slam on the break and race out the car and look around but she's gone.
"Mommy what's going on?" Teo ask me as I walk back to the car and get in.
"Nothing baby I just thought I saw something" I say before pulling my car over to the side of the road so I can call Alice.

"Alice I think I saw Victoria" I say

"What!,where?" She ask

"Um I was driving to my dads house when I saw her, I got out to look for her"

"I didn't see her decide anything, I'm sorry"

"No it's ok I don't think it was her anyway I think I was just seeing things because I'm so worried" I say while looking in the mirror to watch teo.

"I will keep looking to see if I see anything but for now just be safe"

"Ok" I say hanging up the phone.
I then put the car in drive and pull off.

Time skip

"Grandpa!" Teo yells getting out the car and running to Charlie as soon as I open his door.
"Hey buddy" dad says picking him up.
"Grandpa I made this with moms help" Noah says taking out the bracelet we made for Charlie that had a star and gun on it to represent police.

"Come on let's go eat" dad says walking in the house with teo and I follow behind them.

Time skip

It's a new week and Riley has grown more and we are having a graduation party at the house and I decided that the kids should go with my dad for a while anyway.
"Why are we doing this again?" I ask as I try and find me something to where.

"Because it's Alice" is all Emmett says getting dressed and I chuckle.
"Yea that's true" I say before finally finding something.
"You know we gotta start planning our wedding" Emmett tells me and I nod.
"Yea we do big first let's focus on this newborn army." He nods before walking into the floating find some shoes.

" He nods before walking into the floating find some shoes

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Her outfit

Me and Emmett walk out our room after we're done with everything in downstairs where everyone is partying.

"Man what I would kill to be able to drink right now" I say and Emmett laughs.
"Really?" He ask me and I nod.
"Guys come on Alice saw something" Justin tells us and we nod before we find everyone standing around in a room away from the party.

"What's going on?" Jacob ask.
"We're not going to them are we?" I ask Alice and she shakes her head.

"They where passing around a red blouse" Alice says and Edward then jumps in "that's Bella's"

"So their after Bella it's not a coincidence" I say and jasper nods.

"Wait there after Bella" Jacob ask and I nod
"The pack will fight" he then says and I look at him like he's crazy I don't want Paul in this fight especially since we got our son.

"No this is to dangerous" Bella tells him but we ignore her.
"Do you think Sam will agree to this?" Carlisle ask and Jacob nods
"As long as we get to kill some vampires" he answers.

"We all need training" Carlisle says to Bella after she complains again.
"Jasper can teach us" I say and we look at him.
"Sure" jasper says and we then tell Jacob to tell Sam when we was gonna meet up.


"I don't know about this" I say to Emmett as I take my outfit off.
"Everything will be fine shortcake" he tells me and I nod even though I don't believe it.


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