Its a baby pt2

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Everyone has been on edge.
They all watched as Bella got weaker the further her pregnancy went.

"We gotta do something" Elise sighed feeling hopeless.
"Nothing we can do" Carlisle says with a sad look on his face.

"Ugh I can't see nothing not even a glance of Bella's future because of it" Alice huffs out and rose stands up.

"It's a baby Alice" she tells her sister
"Maybe" jasper says sticking up for his wife.

"This is dumb" Elise says while rolling her eyes.
"What is?" Riley ask her mom.
"This choosing sides crap I mean you all need to get over yourselfs it's Bella's choice not you all so shut the hell up" Elise finish before her phone rings and she sees that it's teo.

"It's teo I gotta go get him from his dads" Elise gets up and Emmett follows her outside to the car.

"You ok?" He ask and Elise runs her hand threw her hair and sighs
"No not really but what else is new?" She then turns to get in her car but Emmett stops her.

"Don't stress so much everything will be ok soon" he then kissed her and she gets in the car and drive off while Emmett goes back inside to deal with the drama.

Riley goes and stand next to her dad and look up at him with a scared look on her face.
Emmett hugs his daughter to his side and kiss her forehead trying to make her feel better but he knew it was useless as everyone was on edge and against each other.

Meanwhile Elise was happy to finally get out the house away from all the different bad moods.
They were really bringing her down.

She knew that as long as Bella wanted to keep that baby then everyone was gonna stay at odds.

She pulls up to Sam and Emily house and get out her car waiting for teo to come out.

She didn't had to wait long as he came running out the house and over to her and hugged her.
Everyone follows him outside and see the son and mother.

Paul walks up and pat his son on the back after he moves away from the hug with his mom.

"Got to get him already?" Embry ask and Elise laughs.
"Yes I do I missed him and I know he likes being at home with me and the Cullens" Elise tells him not noticing the look on Paul's face.

"Hey remember what I said about them leeches" paul tells his son and teo nods while Elise glares at Paul.

The pack laughs behind the little family and that just made Elise more angry.

"Hey buddy why don't you wait in the car while I talk to everyone real quick" Elise tells her son and teo nods going around the truck and getting in the passenger side,Elise turns to Paul and glares.
"Let's all have a little chat inside" she says before walking inside the little house and everyone following.

"What is it Elise?" Sam ask Folding his arms.
"Don't tell my kid to hate his family you have no right" Elise tells the pack.

"Their not his family" Paul huffs and Elise walks into Paul's face.
"They are and you need to get over it,Emmett and the Cullens love Teo and not only that but I'm a Cullen now and so is his sister so fuck off" Elise hissed and Paul starts shaking a little bit but Elise is not bothered by it.

"Look at you,what are you going to do?, shift because your angry?, what if one day teo makes you mad are you gonna shift and then hurt him like Sam did with Emily" Elise ask and she hate to bring Sam and Emily accident up but she needed to get her point across.

"He's in danger being around you and the pack" Elise finish and then bumps shudders with Paul and walk out with the door slamming behind her.

She gets in her car and drive off back to the cullens.
"Is aunt Bella ok?" Teo ask and Elise smiles before nodding "she's the same but hopefully she will get better"

Teo nods before getting on his phone.

A couple of days later

Bella is worse and No matter how much Elise hoped her sister would get better she doesn't.

Elise went and talked to Charlie the other day and told him that she will let him know when Bella was better and back in forks.
She hated lying to her dad but it had to be done.

"Is she here?" Elise hear and then Bella calls out for Jacob and he comes running up the stairs.

"You look terrible" Jacob said once he saw her and Bella rolled her eyes.

"Thanks Jacob" she says sarcastically.

"What's going on they said you where sick and wasn't back in town?" Jacob said.
"Rose,Elise help me get up?" Bella ask and Elise and rose help her and her shirt rise up some and you can see her stomach that was black and blue.

Jacob gets mad when he sees it and turns to Edward.
"YOU DID THIS!" Jacob says and start to walk up to Edward but Emmett push him back.

"We didn't know this could happen" Edward says and Elise walks up to Jacob and push him.

"If we knew this probably wouldn't have happened but it did and there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it so shut the hell up" Elise says before she walks back over to Bella and said girl cuddles up to her older sister.

Jacob was still complaining and it was making Bella sad and Elise was getting irritated so irritated that her ice powers started freezing stuff in the room.

Her eyes changed and she moved Bella and stood up.

She then shoots ice out of her hand and it hits Jacob and Edward who both turn and look at her

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She then shoots ice out of her hand and it hits Jacob and Edward who both turn and look at her.

"You two need to calm down and shut the fuck up" Elise tells them before she goes back to normal and sits back down with Bella.

Everyone looks at her scared for a second but calm down.
They know she's just protective of her little sister.


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