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Elise POV

I walk into the living room with Ethan in my arms and sit next to Bella on the couch.

"You look better my dear sister" I tell her with a smile on my face.

"I feel better to" she smiles and then holds her arms out and I hand her Ethan.

The twins was growing fast just like Riley did but I'm not gonna worry about it this second.

"They leave soon just to let you know" I tell her and she nods as Ethan plays with her finger.

I get up and walk out and go on the porch where Emmett was with Emma.
"Hey husband" I say and kiss him before kissing Emma on the forehead.

"Hey wife" he says back and I smirk at him.
"What's that look?" He ask me and I just shake my head.
"Nothing" I tell him and Edward then walks out and over to us.
I huff and roll my eyes.

"Don't be like that Elise" Edward says and I stick my middle finger up at him and take Emma from Emmett.

"We're going in the house,love you babe and be safe" I say and kiss Emmett and then walk inside.

"She really doesn't like you Eddie boy" Emmett laughs out and I hear Edward sigh.

I look down at my baby and see she's asleep.
I go and lay her down in her crib and see that Ethan is in his own to.

'Good there both sleep' I think and turn and walk downstairs.
I noticed that Esme,Carlisle and Emmett has left along with jake and his little pack.

"You need anything?" I ask Bella and she holds her hands out to me.
"Can you show me a memory again?" She ask and I smile and nod.

I sit down on the table that was in front of the couch.
I grab her hand and look into her eyes and push my self into her mind.

One thing with Bella is it's hard to show her my memories unlike everyone else.

It was our wedding day and we was standing next to each other.

"I'm so happy but nervous at the same time" I tell bella with a big smile on my face and she laughs at me.

"I am to,but I know everything is gonna be fine" Bella tells me and I nod.
"Because we have each other" I say and she nods before she gets a look on her face and I frown.
"What?" I ask

"What if something goes wrong or one of us die or the volturi comes?" Bella panics and I grab her and pull her into a hug.

"Don't worry that's not gonna happen and if it does we fight" I say and we pull away from the hug just as dad walks over to us "you girls ready?" He ask and we nod before grabbing his arms.

"Don't let us fall" Bella tells dad and I laugh.
"Never" he tells us and we then start walking down the isle.

The memory fades out and I see Bella looking at me with a smile.

"I remember that day it was the happiest moment of my life" she tells me and I let go of her hands.
"Mine to" I say before rose helps her up and I grab her cup full of blood and hand it to her.

She goes to grab it but she drops it and the next thing I know I hear a snap and Edward catches her.

We race into Carlisle in home hospital room and lay her down on the bed as she screams.

"GET HIM OUT!" She screams at us and I watch as rose cuts her stomach and I see her about to loose control so Edward pushes her and makes Alice take her out of the room.

I walk over as Edward and Jacob argue with each other.
"SHUT UP YOU TWO IDIOTS!" I yell at them before Edward turns back to Bella and start biting into her to try and reach the baby.

"I got it" I say after he's made a good enough space for me to reach in and grab the baby.

I get the baby and hold it up to show Bella and Edward.

"It's a girl" I say

"It's renesme" Edward says with a smile and I put the baby on Bella and watch as the mother and daughter have their moment.

"Beautiful" Bella whisper and then the baby bits Bella and Bella close her eyes which makes me start to worry.

"No" I say and Edward grabs the baby and hold her out to Jacob.

"Hold her" he tells him and Jacob shakes his head.

"You get that thing away from me" he tells Edward.

"I got her just take care of Bella" I tell Edward I'm a rush as I take renesme and walk out the room and clean her up.

"Your so pretty" I say as I finish getting her clean and wrapped in a blanket.

I hold her in my arms as I walk over to my twins room and see rose with them.

"I'm fine" she tells me and I nod knowing she won't hurt my kids.

I walk into my music room and sit down in a chair that faces the window.

"I'm auntie Elise or whatever you want to call me" I say to her and she smiles at me.

I was so caught up in renesme that I didn't notice Jacob behind me.

Or when he walked out.

"I love you" I hear in my head and I look down at renesme as she stares back at me.
I then realize that this was her power almost like me.

"I love you to" I say.

I hear as my family is outside fighting with the wolf's and as much as I want to help them I know I got to watch renesme

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I hear as my family is outside fighting with the wolf's and as much as I want to help them I know I got to watch renesme.

My niece someone who I add to my list of people that I love and that I protect.

No matter what.

I flash my eyes at renesme and she laughs.

I do it again and get the same reaction.

I do it again and get the same reaction

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"Welcome to the family"


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