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Third POV

Elise and her little family was back in forks and Elise was over the whole family thing.

Bella was taking the twins and renesmee out for a little bit with Seth and Jacob.

"Come on aunt Bella we're ready to go" Emma complain to her aunt as her and her twin and cousin stand next to her.

"Let's go then missy" Bella says and Emma holds her arms up and Bella picks her up while Ethan and renesmee hold hands and walk next to Bella while Jacob and Seth walk next and behind them.

After a while the kids was jumping around catching snowflakes while the two shapeshifters and Bella stand and watch them.

"Mom look a snowflake" renesmee says showings her mom.
"It's beautiful why don't you catch some more with your cousins." Bella tells her and renesmee nods and run over to her cousins who jumped up and was floating to catch the snowflakes.

The kids then see something or someone and they run over to Bella.

"Aunt Bella who is that?" Ethan ask Bella and Bella sees irina and speeds after her but Irina is already gone.

Bella takes the kids back to the house and tells everyone what happened.

Elise and Emmett stand by the wall with the kids around them.

Riley and Bree cuddle up to emmett and the twins and teo cuddle up to Elise.

"I'm sure everything is fine" Justin says and puts his arm around Rose.

"Justin is right she will come around she's family" Carlisle adds and go back to playing chess with his wife.

Alice then walks in and drops the glass with the flowers she had in her hand.

Jasper speeds to her side and ask her what she sees.

"The volturi,their coming for us" Alice tells them and everyone gets nervous.

Elise moves away from her little family and over to Bella
"What did they see Bella?" She ask her sister and Bella looks up at her.
"Um ness and the twins where catching snowflakes" they start to explain but Edward interrupts
"That's it,they think their immortal kids" he says and Elise and Bella look at him confused.

"You three watch them while we talk" Elise tells Bree,Riley and teo and the thee teens nod and take the twins and renesmee upstairs.

Carlisle then tells Bella and Elise the story of the immortal children.

"The twins and ren are nothing like these kids" Elise says and Bella nods
"Yeah they were born not bitten" Bella adds.

"Well then we fight them" Bella says after a little more talking.
"Their coming to kill us not talk" Justin and Emmett say and Elise rolls her eyes.

"Well what if we get witnesses" Elise ask and Edward nod
"That might just work Carlisle we have friends all over the world" Edward says and Carlisle looks at his adopted son and shakes his head no.
"I will not ask them to fight" Carlisle says
"Not fight witness" Edward says and finally Carlisle agreed.

Elise walks upstairs and look in the kids room to see that their not there.
Elise then walks to her room and see them all asleep in her bed she smiles and close the door and walk downstairs.

"How are the kids?" Emmett ask his wife
"They are asleep,at least they can rest me on the other hand I'm scared" Elise admits and Emmett pulls her to him.

"We will be ok,I promise" Elise looks up at her husband and kiss him.

"I love you.forever" Elise says
"I love you,always" Emmett says back.

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