Our baby

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Her outfit at the top

Elise POV

I was getting everything ready for when me and Emmett's baby gets here.
I want everything to be perfect.
Carlisle says that they should be born soon and I was ready.

"Babe?" I hear Emmett call for me and I walk out of the baby's room and to our room where he is standing shirtless.
"What?" I ask and he walks over and pull me into our room and close the door.
"Nothing I just wanted you two around me" he says kissing me and putting his hands in my tummy.
"Your such a baby" I say laughing while pushing him away.

"When are we going to have our wedding?" Emmett ask sitting down on the bed and pulling me to sit on his lap.
"I was thinking after I have the baby so I can fit into my dress" I tell him and he gives me a funny look so I give him one back.

"I was thinking after I have the baby so I can fit into my dress" I tell him and he gives me a funny look so I give him one back

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"Come on put on a shirt I'm going downstairs to steal Bella from Edward" I say hitting his chest and getting up.
I walk downstairs and see Edward just walking in with Bella.
"Perfect your hear i wanted to spend time with you" I say pulling Bella away from Edward and walking us over to the couch.

"Wow you are big" Bella says and I give her a look.
"I have a human being growing inside of me so yes I'm big" I say to her and she chuckles.
"I know that Elsie I was just saying" she says putting her hands on my stomach.

I feel my baby start kicking and I groan while Bella giggles.
"The baby is always so active" Bella says and I shake my head.
"They only fo that when they hear your voice or Emmetts that's when all the kicking starts" I tell her and she looks at me.

"I guess they love us more" she says and I roll my eyes.
"Oh please" I say I then get up only to feel this really bad pain.
I hold my tummy and groan in pain.
"Are you ok?" Bella ask me and I shake my head as soon as I did that the pain got worse and I started falling from all the pain.
Luckily Edward caught me.
"Emmett get down here!" Bella yells as she and Edward helps me back up.

Emmett speeds to me and move my hair from my face.
"It's time" I say and he nods.
He picks me up and takes me to Carlisle in home hospital room thingy and lays me down as Carlisle walks into the room and gets everything ready.

Time skip

After a lot of pain and crying and screaming at Emmett.
Our baby girl is here.
"She's Beautiful" I say looking down at her in my arms.
Emmett nods as he holds her small hand.

"Do you wanna hold her?" I ask Emmett and he nods as he takes her from my arms

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"Do you wanna hold her?" I ask Emmett and he nods as he takes her from my arms.

"What should we name her?" Emmett ask and I shrugged while looking at them.
A father and daughter.
They are so cute and Emmett just have this big smile on his face as he talks to her and kiss her forehead.

"I think she should be named Riley" Emmett suddenly says and I nod,
"I love it and I love you" I say and he leans over and kiss me.
"I love you to"

"Riley Bella swan" I say.


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