Uma: There is only one simple answer to that question. I do the best I can.
Evie: I've never actually noticed him acting ill-behaved around you.
Mal: But that's a totally different story if Uma's not around.
Uma: He does usually only behave if I give him a threatening look or just basically tell him I don't like what he's doing.
Evie: I can relate with Mal. I can usually make her behave with just a look.
Audrey: Wow. I wish I could do that with Jay.
Uma: It's inherited, Princess. You came from the sad, pitiful Auradon genes, not the tough, hard, awesome Isle genes.
Audrey: I will have you know that my mother is plenty awesome and... hardened!
Uma: Oh, yes, because she had to lift a finger once back in '82.
Jane: Hey, Evie?
Evie: Yes, Jane?
Jane: Why do they always fight?
Mal: That's their way of telling each other that they love each other.
Jane: Wow. They must love the heck out of each other!
Thank you to @Sadboi143 for the ask!
Ask the Descendants Girls
FanfictionAsk Mal, Evie, Uma, Audrey, and Jane anything about their wonderful friendship together. 🐉💋🐙👑🥿