Mal: The short answer is somewhere between no and yes.
Evie: I think he approved.
Uma: Well, you must be blind or something because ol' Flamer hates Beastie-Boy's guts.
Audrey: I'm with Uma on this one. Hades doesn't seem to like Ben at all.
Jane: Yeah, I think Uma's right...
Mal: Yeah, he doesn't like Ben, but Dad respected my decision to marry him, so I'm not really sure what that means.
Uma: A lapse in judgement, perhaps? A slip of senility? Maybe even a glitch in the system?
Mal: *sarcastically* Ha, ha.
Thank you to @Liltracie19 for the ask!
Ask the Descendants Girls
FanficAsk Mal, Evie, Uma, Audrey, and Jane anything about their wonderful friendship together. 🐉💋🐙👑🥿