How many shoes do you guys have?

415 10 3

Uma: I've got three pairs. One for formal, one for informal, and one for bossing people around in.

Audrey: That's strangely specific...

Uma: You've got to have a steel-toed boot for bossing people around. A good kick to the pants is strangely persuasive.

Mal: Okay... Well, I have maybe about three or four pairs that I picked out myself, but because of Evie's efforts to the contrary, I now own twelve pairs.

Evie: Now, M, twelve isn't that much.

Mal: Yeah, I guess you're right. It's nothing compared to your twenty-five pairs. 

Uma: Woah. A real-life hoarder in her natural habitat...

Evie: I'm not a hoarder! I just like to be well-prepared for all occasions! 

Uma: So that's what they're calling it these days.

Evie: Audrey's got thirty pairs!

Audrey: EVIE!

Uma: Dang, and I just thought Evie had it bad when I'm really sitting right next to the person who needs real help.

Audrey: UGH! Did you have to tell her, you throw-under-the-bus-er?!

Evie: *grins guiltily, sitting a bit closer to Mal*

Jane: For me, I've got about seven pairs.

Uma: That sounds about right. Not a ridiculously small amount, but not a ridiculously large amount either. Plain Jane. It fits.

Audrey: Better than being... Uh... Well... Umm...

Uma: Go for it. If you think of something insulting that rhymes with Uma, I'll shut my mouth for a whole day.

Audrey: ARGH! I can't think of anything!

Evie: I can't believe you're blowing  your opportunity of a lifetime.

Mal: Especially since it's probably something that's only going to happen once in both your and Uma's whole lifetime.

Uma: Boy, are you people disrespectful. 

Thank you to @unknownidentity57 for the ask!

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