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Some Details ⚠️PLEASE READ⚠️


-Kakyoin lived but the squad™️ doesn't know.

-Jolyne isn't from Jotaro's marriage she's from a surrogate.

-Kakyoin wears leg braces to walk due to spine damage from the injury.

-He also can't eat very solid foods cuz he lost his stomach.

-Jotaro is kinda out of character because he's actually a good dad here-

-I will try my best to get the timeline right but I can't make any promises

-Be prepared for a ton of wholesome domestic Jotakak cuz that's what this is

-also,, Kakyoin wears glasses cuz I think it's a rlly cute concept XD

This fic will most likely only have fluff and probably some angst so if there's any 18+ themes I will put a warning (I highly doubt I'll have any nastee stuff tho so don't worry abt that). I will also put TWs when they are needed (sry if I accidentally leave something out. Please tell me if I do)

Also, if updates aren't frequent I'm sorry I'm just forgetful

Alright I believe that's all, I hope you guys enjoy!!


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