Chapter two - A Familiar Face

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 The pic is my design for part 4 Kakyoin and how he looks in this fic

yes that's my art-

Knock knock.

  Jotaro's eyes open slowly, the man slightly annoyed at being woken up so early on a Saturday morning. He gets out of bed and walks groggily to the door.

  He turns the knob and opens his door. To his surprise, he sees a man wearing a hat that has the words 'Speedwagon Foundation' across the front. His eyebrows scrunch together in confusion.

  "Do you need something?" He says, his voice low, and scratchy from just waking up.

  "There's someone who wanted to see you." The man responds.

  "And who would that be?" Jotaro's voice is lined with a mildly annoyed tone.

  "Well, you'd think I'd get a 'welcome back' or a 'i missed you so much' wouldn't you?" Says a vaguely familiar voice coming from behind the first man.

  "Who in the.." Jotaro's voice trails off as the man the voice belonged to slowly steps out into his line of sight. He stares in disbelief as it registers who he was looking at.

  "It's been a long time, Jojo." Says Kakyoin Noriaki.


  "How did you.. we were told.... we thought you were dead.. how the hell are you here??" Jotaro says, sitting on his bed. Kakyoin takes a seat in an office chair Jotaro had at a desk across the room.

  "I actually thought I'd died too. But when I woke up in one of the SWFs buildings, hooked up to a surplus of machines that had been keeping me stable for years, I realized that I'd made it." Kakyoin explains. "After being briefed on what had happened and all that fun stuff, I realized that I couldn't feel my legs. The damage I sustained during that fight had caused spinal damage that resulted in me being paralyzed from the waist down."

  "Then how were you walking?.." Jotaro asks.

  "A shit ton of physical therapy. And even with five years of trying to get my leg strength up, I can only walk long distances with these braces." Kakyoin motions to the braces he has on his legs.

  "Along with the paralyzation, I also can't eat many solid foods. When the doctors were performing the annoyingly extensive amounts of surgeries, they couldn't save my stomach, so my esophagus is now directly attached to my large intestine. I can still eat cherries though so that's good." He chuckles. Jotaro smiles a little bit.

  From the moment he saw him again, Jotaro really hadn't fully realized that he was really talking to the man he'd thought was dead for 7 years.

  "Does.. Does anyone else know that you're... that you're even alive? Jiji? Polnareff?" Jotaro asks.

  "No.. I was planning on finding them next though. I just, I don't know. I just really wanted to see your face again..... I missed you a lot Jojo.."

  "I missed you too."


  The two men sat there for hours that day, catching up, laughing, and at most points, they just sat there, silently enjoying each other's company.

  Over those hours, Kakyoin told Jotaro about how he'd finished high school at the SPW Foundation and that he'd enrolled in an art university. They talked about school, they talked about the good memories they had from their 50 day journey together, laughing as they remembered how much Iggy had tormented their poor French friend. They talked and talked until finally, the sun began to set.

  The two of them made plans to fly to France as soon as possible to try and find Polnareff. Jotaro grabbed an extra futon that he had in storage and let Kakyoin use it, then the two men said their goodnights and drifted off to sleep. And, for the first time since Jotaro had thought that he'd lost his cherry loving friend, he slept nightmare free.

Alright, get ready for filler chapter tomorrow- 

Yea uhh sorry abt that I just have to elaborate on stuff in between main plot points!! Byeeee!!!!!

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