Chapter five - (lol idk)

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  A few days after the two Japanese men arrived at the Joestar residence, Jotaro, Joseph, Kakyoin, and Suzi are all talking in the living room.

  "So Kakyoin," Suzi starts. "Your parents must be so very happy that you're ok after all you went through." Kakyoin winces at her statement.

  "I'm.. I'm afraid they thought I'd ran away even before I began traveling with Jojo and Mr. Joestar. I'm not exactly sure how I'd tell them about anything that happened." He responds awkwardly.

  "Hey, don't feel bad about any of that. It's not your fault DIO chose you. I'm sure they'll understand." Mr. Joestar interjects, trying his best to make the redhead feel better.

  "But they're not going to understand anything about stands. When I first told them about Hierophant they just wrote it off as an imaginary friend, and when I would mention it when I was a teen, they didn't believe me. If they don't believe in stands I've got no chance of making any of this situation make sense." Kakyoin explains. "And I'm pretty sure my mom is going to be furious with the fact that I went to Egypt with a bunch of strangers after disappearing for a while. I just don't want to confuse them or have them get mad at either of you." As Kakyoin finishes rambling, Jotaro puts a hand on his shoulder.

  "It'll be fine.." He says quietly. Kakyoin sighs and nods.

  "I should talk to them soon." Kakyoin says. He looks at Jotaro. "We should go-"

  "We're not going on another plane any time soon. I'm sure it's not good for you." Jotaro says, cutting his sentence off.


  "No buts. Jotaro's right. With the amount of flying you've been doing it's ought to have some effect on your wellbeing." Joseph says. "However, I'm sure we could send some Speedwagon Foundation members to bring them here. It may take some convincing but I'm sure they'll come with some explanation."

  "Are you sure the foundation will do that?"

  "I knew the man that started the whole thing, I'm sure I can get a couple guys to help us out."

  "Thank you Mr. Joestar." Kakyoin says.

  "No need to thank me kid. Now, I've got a question for the two of you." Joseph says in a suddenly more serious tone. Jotaro tenses up a bit and Kakyoin has a slightly nervous expression. "What happened last night? Suzi says he asked to talk with you and then we hear nothing else all night. What's that about?"

  "I- uhm.. we-" Kakyoin stutters before being cut off by Jotaro for the second time.

  "I had a nightmare, we talked about it, we realized we have feelings for each other, we kissed, and we went to sleep. That answer your question Jiji?" Jotaro says with the same deadpan, monotone voice as always. Unlike his boyfriend, Kakyoin had his hands covering his face, which was quickly turning red due to embarrassment. Joseph was just surprised at how blunt his grandson was about the whole thing.

  "Uhh, yeah I guess that does answer it." He says kinda quietly. He then looks at Kakyoin, "hey, you ok over there."

  "Y-yes I'm fine I just- I just need a second." Kakyoin's words were muffled by his hands, still trying and failing to hide the blush currently spreading across his face.

  "You know Jojo," Suzi speaks up. "They kinda remind me of you and Caesar back when we were young."

  "What?? Caesar and I were never like that!! He hated me for most of the time I knew him!"

  "Caesar never expressed feelings like a normal person. That was his way of flirting."

  "What, by being an ass?"


  Kakyoin laughed a bit at the couple's conversation, his face beginning to return to its normal color.

  That night, Joseph scheduled for Kakyoin Reiko and Kakyoin Tetsuya to be flown to America.

Alright so Reiko is Nori's mom and Tetsuya is his dad just in case I needed to make that clear-

Uhhh yea his mom is kinda gonna be an ass but I'm making his dad rlly nice so I hope it balances out. I also just realized that I just described Bakugo's parents-

Ok imma get to working on the next chapter XD

Oh yea I'm Also gonna try to design his parents-

Reiko probably wont look too good cuz I can't draw ladies but meh

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