Chapter eight - Catching Up

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  Two years have passed. Jotaro and Noriaki have been married for two months now.

  The wedding was held in America so Jotaro's grandparents could attend without having to fly to Japan. Polnareff flew in from France for the occasion, obviously excited about the whole thing. Holly and Tetsuya, who had become best friends, arrived a week before the wedding was scheduled so they could help out with the last minute preparations. Overall, there weren't many people there. The guest list included Holly, Joseph, Suzi Q, Polnareff, Tetsuya, and Noriaki's cousin(yea yea ik its another oc im sorry). Noriaki's cousin, Usagi, is a year older than him and is almost like a sister to him.

  The wedding went perfectly. Vows were exchanged, tears were shed, Polnareff ate so much cake he almost passed out, Joseph had to drag him out of the room, and Jotaro seemed beyond annoyed.

  At the end of the day, the two newlyweds wouldn't change anything about their wedding. Noriaki enjoyed being around the people he loved, and Jotaro, though he'd never admit it, had the time of his life


  Noriaki and Jotaro are getting ready to have breakfast in the small apartment that they had moved into shortly before they had gotten married. Jotaro was making their food when he noticed that Noriaki had been staring at nothing for a few minutes.

  "Nori." He says, getting his husband's attention. "You seem lost in thought. What's up?"

  "How... how would you feel about maybe.... having a kid? I've just been thinking about it for a little while.. I dunno, what do you think?" Jotaro was a little bit surprised by the question but the shock was short lived.

  "I feel like that'd be a great idea." He says, turning back to the food he was preparing. "So, do you wanna adopt or try to find a surrogate?"

  "I mean, we could ask Usagi if she'd be open to helping. That way, the kid would have both our DNA.. sorta?" Noriaki says, making his way to Jotaro. "Besides, we gotta keep the Joestar bloodline going right?" He adds, leaning on the counter.

  Jotaro chuckles. "You've got a point there. We can call "" after we eat and see how she feels about it." He says, plating up the food and bringing it to the table, Noriaki following behind him.

  "Sounds like a plan." Noriaki responds.


  Jotaro and Noriaki are sitting on their bed, on the phone with Usagi.

  "Of course ill be your surrogate!!! Anything for my favorite little cousin!" Usagi says excitedly.

  "You're literally not that much older than me. Besides, I'm like, a foot taller than you. You literally can't call me 'little'."

  "Ok but guess what, I just did, didn't I? Anyway, when exactly do y'all need me? I gotta tell my girlfriend when I'm going so she doesn't get all nervous."

  "Uhhh in a couple weeks would be great. Is that alright?" Noriaki answers, getting a nod of agreement from Jotaro.

  "Yea!! That sounds great!! Alright, I gotta go, Mika needs me to open something. I'll see you two soon!! Byee!! Love you!!"

  "Love ya too! Bye!" And with that, Noriaki hangs up and let's out a sigh of relief. He dramatically leans back and lays his head on Jotaro's thighs, looking up at him.

  "I guess we're gonna be dads soon. I'm not sure whether to be excited or mortified." The redhead says quietly. Jotaro starts playing with his husbands hair in an attempt to help him relax.

  "You should be excited. You'll be a great dad. It's me we should be worrying about. I'm sure you remember how everything went with that girl Anne? I'm not the best with kids."

  Noriaki laughs a little bit and reaches up to cup Jotaro's face in his hand. "You'll do great. I know it."

  Jotaro smiles slightly and bends down to kiss Noriaki softly. The latter takes this as a chance to grab Jotaro's hat and hold it away from him.

  "Oi! Give that back!" He says while reaching for it with no success.

  Noriaki starts laughing as he sits up and puts the hat on. "Ooo I'm Jotaro," he says, deepening his voice to mock his husband. "I'm so edgy and brooding blah blah bla- AHH-" Noriaki was cut off by Jotaro tackling him, laughing as he takes his hat back. He gets off the redhead and gently sets his hat on the table next to their bed. After he sets the hat down, Noriaki tackles him as payback. He wraps his arms around Jotaro's torso and nuzzles his face into the crook of his neck. Jotaro chuckles and hugs him back, adjusting the two of them so they were laying down comfortably.

  "I love you Jojo.."

  "I love you too."

Ok so yea I made Usagi a lesbian out of pure impulse. 

Also she looks a lil like Jolyne's mom in the manga but less of a 'housewife' aesthetic. also she's got a similar hair color to Noriaki's.

Aight imma go work on the next chapter!


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