Chapter seven - An Apology

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^^^ Thats the house floor plan btw-

  About an hour after Noriaki had fallen asleep, Jotaro heard a quiet knock at the door. He sends Star Platinum to open the door, not wanting to wake the sleeping redhead that was on him. Jotaro continued looking down at Noriaki, not really caring who was at the door.

  "Hi uhm.. Jotaro, was it?" It wasn't the voice Jotaro was expecting. He looks up to see Kakyoin Tetsuya. "I just came to.. Apologise for how my wife acted back there. I got her to quiet down after a while..." Tetsuya goes quiet for a second. "How's he doing?.."

  "The pain only lasted for a minute. He's been asleep for about an hour. How long did it take before she started harassing Jiji?.."

  "......It was almost immediately after you left. I got her out of the house before she did any damage-"

  "I don't think she'd be the one doing damage. Jiji could have kicked her ass."

  Tetsuya chuckles. "I don't doubt that. He kinda scares me.... You really care about him dont you?.."

  "Why the hell else would he be sleeping on me if I didn't care about him." Jotaro looks back down at Noriaki. "I'd give my life just for him to be happy."

  After some time, Tetsuya breaks the slightly awkward silence. "So, uhm, how long have you two been, uh, together?"

  "About.. A week or so. Of course, I've liked him for a while. I think I actually realized what the feeling was when that blind bastard hurt him. I got so damn mad and I had no idea why. It was the same feeling I had when that bitch started talking to him like that.. What I'm not quite sure about is why he likes me.. I'm just an asshole. Half the time, I don't particularly like myself. I don't even know why I'm saying all this."

  "Hm.. When was the last time you got any sleep?"


  "Well, just by looking at you," Tetsuya says, walking over and crouching by the bed to make eye contact with Jotaro. "I can tell you're tired. I'm sure Noriaki would prefer that you get some sleep. It's getting late anyway. So, sleep now, and in the morning, we can worry about Reiko. Ok?"

  "Yeah yeah.. Good grief, you sound like my mom. Fine, I'll sleep."

  Tetsuya smiles. "Alright, well," He says, standing up and making his way towards the door. "I'll leave you be. See you in the morning." Jotaro replies with a quiet mutter, and Tetsuya leaves, gently closing the door.

  With that, Jotaro drifts off to sleep.


  The next morning, Noriaki wakes up to muffled shouting coming from the living room. He groans quietly and starts to move when he notices the pair of arms wrapped around him. He looks up to see a peaceful looking Jotaro softly snoring as he gets some much needed sleep. Noriaki smiles slightly before hearing the shouting getting louder. He slowly maneuvers his way out of Jotaro's arms, being careful not to wake him up. He puts his leg braces on and makes his way to the shouting.

  "... and if you don't- oh! Nori, my baby boy how are you-" Reiko says, seeing Noriaki entering the room.

  "Don't call me that. You are no longer allowed to call me your son. Either you accept Jojo and Mr. Joestar, or you turn your back on me. Make up your mind."

  "Nori I-"

  "Make. Up. Your. Mind. Or I will make you leave."

  "You can't possibly expect me to allow you to stay with the people who cause all the problems in your life! You're nearly blind, you can barely walk, and you had a hole punched in you! I just can't-"

  "That's the thing! It wasn't Jojo's fault that I decided to travel with them!! It's not Mr. Joestar's fault, or anyone else's! I made that choice myself. Now, I'm going to ask that you leave. I just woke up and I'm not exactly sure Hierophant is going to be very nice if I have to ask him to get you out."

  "You wouldn't attack me! I'm your mother!"

  Noriaki sighs. "I don't plan on attacking you. I just don't feel like dragging you out myself." With that, Noriaki summons Hierophant Green and has him pick Reiko up and drop her outside the house.

  "Damn.. Nice job Kakyoin. I was about to do that myself. Suzi isn't too keen on people being assholes in her house." Joseph says, sitting down in his chair. "But hey, at least one of you is rational."

  "Heh.. yeah. I'm really sorry about her."

  "Dad. You don't need to apologise for her bs."

  "I know I know. Hey, word of advice, don't let Jotaro get away. He's a good kid."

  Noriaki smiles. "Yeah.. He is pretty great."

Alright yea this one is pretty short compared to the last one but at least I gave y'all some wholesome Tetsuya right??

There's probably gonna be a few year time skip cuz I've got no other ideas for this part.

I promise there will be actual Jotakak soon-

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