Chapter six - His Parents

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^^^ Thats Reiko and Tetsuya

the art kinda sucks a lot but you've got the idea-

  Jotaro is sitting on his bed reading, while Kakyoin paces around the room.

  "Noriaki sit down. Walking around isn't gonna help anything."

  Kakyoin sits next to the black haired man. "I'm sorry I just, ugh I just don't want anything bad to happen.."

  "I doubt your parents could do any harm-"

  "Hey you two!" Joseph shouts as he opens the door. "They're here!"

  Kakyoin and Jotaro get up and make their way to the living room. Joseph tells them both to wait outside the door.

  As the two stand outside, Joseph sits in a chair adjacent to the couch that Mr. and Mrs. Kakyoin are sitting on.

  "Is someone going to tell me why some weird people showed up at my house with no notice and then made us go across the world without even hinting at why???" Reiko shouts, clearly extremely annoyed.

  "Rei.. please calm down. I'm sure there's a good reason." Tetsuya says, placing a hand on his wife's knee.

  "Yes of course there's a good reason. My name is Joseph Joestar. I'm a friend of your son, Noriaki." That caught their attention. "He's actually why I arranged for you two to come here."

  "What the hell are you ta-"

  "Boys, come in." Joseph cuts Reiko off.

  Jotaro walks in first. After a second, he realizes that Kakyoin hadn't moved. He goes back over to him. "Nori.. you ok?" Jotaro says, lowering his voice.

  "Yeah I just.. I'm just a little nervous." Kakyoin says, taking a deep breath. "Let's go."

  Jotaro puts a hand on Kakyoin's back. The two walk out into the living room.

  "Hi Mom, hi dad.." Reiko and Tetsuya's eyes widen. Tetsuya gets up and slowly makes his way to his son. "Dad? Are you ok?" Kakyoin asks. His dad cups his sons face in his hands.

  "We thought you'd ran away or got hurt or.. God I didn't even wanna imagine that you'd died.. I missed you so much. What... what actually happened?" Kakyoin smiles and puts his hands over his father's.

  "I'll explain everything. But, you should probably sit down. It's a long story.." Per Kakyoin's request, his father sits back down with a very shocked Reiko, and Jotaro and Kakyoin sit across from them. For the next half an hour, Kakyoin explains, to the best of his abilities, all about stands, the situation with DIO, and all that came with that. Then he got to the fight.

  "I felt like I had a chance but I.... I was wrong.. None of my attacks worked. He either dodged them or deflected them. But then he attacked. At.. At this point, none of us knew what he could do but.. Before I knew it... He... He.." Kakyoin's breathing starts getting shaky. Jotaro looks over and sees how bad his boyfriend was panicking. He puts a hand on his leg. Kakyoin flinches, switching back to reality. Kakyoin glances at Jotaro, puts his hand on his, and slowly explains all that happened.

Here's the seating btw

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Here's the seating btw


  "So...." Kakyoin says after recapping the past seven years. "Thats... Thats about it.."

  Tetsuya takes a deep breath. "That's a lot of stuff to take in but I'm glad I know now. I'm really just happy you're doing ok." He looks over at Reiko. "Hun, you've been quiet. I'm sure you've got something to say."

  "Of course I've got something to say! My son goes missing for seven years and the next thing I hear is some bullshit about fighting some vampire with invisible spirit people?? As far as I'm concerned, It's these people's fault that my boy was hurt so bad he can't even walk right!" She says, pointing at Jotaro and Joseph. "Actually, how do I even know what all you said is really true. Now," Reiko stands up and starts walking towards Kakyoin. "I am taking my son home where I know he will be safe, and away from you." as she reaches to grab Kakyoin's hand she sees his and Jotaro's fingers intertwined. "What in the world is this? Now this better be a joke or I swear to god I'll-"

"You'll what?" Jotaro says, his voice dark. He stands up, towering over the woman. She narrows her eyes and grabs Kakyoins right wrist.

"I'm not going to stand by this. My son is not some.. Some gay going around and-"

"Shut up!" Kakyoin screams at his mom, yanking his hand away from her and standing next to his boyfriend. "Just shut up for once in your life! I can't deal with all of this! First, you insult my boyfriend and his grandfather, then you have the audacity to try and drag me off against my will?? For a while I really just thought you were kinda rude to people, but now I see how much of a shitty person you are!"

"Watch your goddamn mouth-"

"What in the world could you mean 'watch my mouth'?? For heavens sake Reiko, I'm 24! I'm not 17 anymore!! I'm not your little boy anym- shit." Kakyoin doubles over, holding his stomach. Jotaro's face immediately softens as he turns to his boyfriend.

"Noriaki! Nori what's wrong are you ok??" Jotaro crouches down and cups Kakyoin's face in his hand. "You shouldn't overexert yourself like that. Here, let's go to our room. You need to rest." He says quietly, helping Kakyoin stand. As he leads him out of the room, Tetsuya tries to reason with his wife, as she had turned to yelling at Joseph.

Kakyoin sighs as Jotaro helps him sit down on the bed. "I'm sorry I scared you.. I'm just so fucking mad that she said all of that about you and Mr. Joestar..."

"All that matters is that you're ok.. How do you feel?" Jotaro says, gently grabbing Kakyoin's hands.

"The pain has dulled to pretty much nothing. I'm ok Jojo.." Kakyoin gently squeezes Jotaro's hand, trying to reassure him.

"Alright.. But you should get some rest. You've been through a lot of stress today."

"You're not gonna let me say 'no' are you?"


"That's what I expected. But you have to be my pillow. C'mere." Kakyoin pulls his boyfriend onto the bed with him, and lays on top of him.

"Ok, now, go to sleep."

And with that, Kakyoin drifted off to sleep with Jotaro gently messing with his hair.

Damn aight-

This chapter is over a thousand words and I'm so proud-

Ok so I love Tetsuya sm he's baby

alright, I've started on the next chapter already and I have some wholesome stuff planned ^w^

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