[Aikatsu!] Everyone Everyone - Pure Palette

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Hello hello best friends! Hello hello my dream!

Hello hello nice smile! Our possibilities are infinite!

The anticipation is always growing, A longing admiration that I hold

That white canvas looks so inviting, Let's paint our designs on it

Both the world and future are expanding, We keep finding new fun things to try

So lets gather everyone and go beyond our imaginations

I am not alone when I am with you, Nor are we alone in this universe

We have everyone all around us

We have plenty of paints for you, a million colors for a million people

Look how empty this new blank palette is right now, let's paint it vividly

There's a miracle just waiting for us tomorrow, just wait for our colors

We don't know the name of this new dream, but we will name it together

We will let these pure feeling shine brightly, lets believe these honest feelings will grow

Hello hello friends! Hello hello dream!

Hello hello smile! Everyone everyone!

Hello hello friends! Hello hello dream!

Hello hello smile! We are! We are!

We will take all your hopes and smiles, they will be put to good use in this world

They all grow as one and they don't stop spreading all their good luck so let's go

Even if it's really scary, all of us will squash those fears

Our hearts become stronger together

If ash and soil can grow into a mountain, it will become the number one mountain

We don't need all the tools to complete a painting, just splash some colors on it

There is a miracle that's about to be born, this color is brand new

Even if the path seems like it is the end, In fact it is only the beginning

This is how our story goes on forever, What color will be there this time

Even if this image isn't how you planned it

There is only a small mistake you made on it

Surely, surely, you have a chance

Don't hide it please, we will come together and paint it

I wonder what kind of brand new meetings are waiting to be encountered

I wonder if this brand new future is changing, so let's face it together

Look how empty this new blank palette is right now, let's paint it vividly

There's a miracle just waiting for us tomorrow, just wait for our colors

We don't know the name of this new dream, but we will name it together

We will let these pure feeling shine brightly, lets believe these honest feelings will grow

Hello hello friends! Hello hello dream!

Hello hello smile! Everyone everyone!

hello hello friends! Hello hello dream!

Hello hello smile! We are! We are!

Hello hello friends! Hello hello dream!

Hello hell smile! We are! We are!

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