[Aikatsu!] Dear All Friends! With Love! - Aikatsu Friends!

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I reach out my hand towards the sky

It's like you're looking at this wide panoramic

Take in a deep breath, and let your feelings known

It's time to begin; Ready go!!

Thank you (yeah yeah) My friends! (hi hi hi hi)

Thank you (yeah yeah) My friends (hi hi hi hi)

Let's go beyond the mountain and (ah ah) over that valley

But wait! (but wait!) a little, we need to keep on going we can't stop now

Let's set our target up high (ah ah) and aim it higher

I know (I know) it's fine

The fun will never ever stop (oh yeah) it'll keep growing (so)

This is an important process for you (yeah)

The day that we met and what we believed; These memories are very precious to me

Every single thing, each and every one

They hold the key to unlock everything

I can't afford to miss even a single thing

My true friends! You're all my friends

We will fight and cry but we smile on through

From the bottom of my heart, I love you, thank you so much

Forever friends! You're all my friends!

We were once rivals but now we are friends today

I am here today because you stayed by my side, Thank you!

Thank you (yeah yeah) My friends (hi hi hi hi)

Thank you (yeah yeah) My friends (hi hi hi hi)

It doesn't matter how hard it was (ah ah) I always did my best

Because (because) you were there to support me on my very worst days

I don't believe there's an easy (ah ah) way out of this mess

With our (with our) hands clasped

We can achieve anything together (oh yeah!) We can do anything (Okay)

We won't stop until we reach our goal (yeah!)

When you called out to me, when you pushed me on, That's how I knew you were there for me

Either this or that, its special to me

It's what makes us invincible forever

There's no way I'll wait forever I need to see what happens next

Amazing friends! You're all my friends!

We will fight and get hurt, but we pick each other back up

Sometimes I feel like I am dreaming because a friend like you can't be real

My precious friends! We're already friends!

There's an unmistakable bond between us

Because of you I can become stronger, so thank you!

Thank you (yeah yeah) My friends (hi hi hi hi)

Thank you (yeah yeah) My friends (hi hi hi hi)

Face to face, with inspiration (hi) I have made, so many friends (yeah)

A to Z, it's exciting! (hi) It won't ever end again

I don't care what kind of trouble we find

I will have hope, it will never end

It's because we are together!

My true friends! You're all my friends

We will fight and cry but we smile on through

From the bottom of my heart, I love you, thank you so much

Forever friends! You're all my friends!

We were once rivals but now we are friends today

I am here today because you stayed by my side, Thank you!

Thank you (yeah yeah) My friends (hi hi hi hi)

Thank you (yeah yeah) My friends (hi hi hi hi)

Dear all friends! We bring you love!

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