[Aikatsu!] Stranger Alien - Kiriya Aoi

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I'm a stranger alien moving ahead

Wearing original and bold fashions

All these trends seem to follow my lead, just as they should

I walk down the city like a runway

Everyone can't help staring at me

"Whose that?" "What's that?"

I only wear clothes that I like

They make me look even sharper

"That's kind of nice!"

No one's seen such a cute unique look - They take pictures of me

Not even three months later

Everyone in the world will want to be like me - I'll lead them

I'm a stranger taking my first steps

Wearing original and bold fashions

All these trends seem to follow my lead, just as they should

But I'm a stranger moving ahead

Even if you catch me you've missed out

I have already moved on to the next stage

Even online there's question marks

They wonder who this stranger is

Her theme is the answer

I dressed up in something new

The fashion world has become tense

"What a nice sense!"

There was no way I could conform and dress like them, it would be wrong

This was a great challenging adventure

I'll keep this memory with me forever - I'll move on

You are stranger taking that first step

Wearing original and bold fashions

Now you've caught up on these new trends that I have made

But you are stranger moving ahead

Even if you catch up you've missed out

You are ready to take on that next stage

In that distant future I will travel all over the universe

So watch out stylish earthlings

Your leader will be flying to the stars! Oh yeah!

I'm a stranger alien moving ahead

Wearing original and bold fashions

All these trends seem to follow my lead, just as they should

But I'm a stranger moving ahead

Even if you catch me you've missed out

I have already moved on to the next stage

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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