A Small Celebration (Ch. 10)

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TW: Alcohol, Alcoholic Tendencies, Intoxication, Cursing

I keep getting nice comments and I just- Friends my heart can't take it-



The four sat at the bar, drinking lightly (well most of them) and chatting about the performance. Patton and Roman were excitedly rambling to each other and Logan let in input every once in a while. Virgil was watching them talk, trying to work out his thoughts; he found it kinda hard but of course he decided to do it drunk so there wasn't much hope in the first place.

Remy walked up from behind the bar and gave Virgil a bowl of chips before turning to the other three with a smile.

"That was a really good show! Patton, you did a great job singing," Remy said, mixing a drink while talking. Patton froze and looked at Remy.

"Wait hold on how do you know my name?" Patton asked. Remy laughed and put the drink down.

"I'm Remy, the same one from Cauchon's. Ya' know Emile's boyfriend," Remy teased, laughing when Patton physically facepalmed. "I'm surprised you didn't recognize me sooner."

"Well, in my defense, I was kinda drunk that night and you know I'm not very good at faces." Remy and Patton talked for a bit while Logan, Roman, and Virgil talked about what they'd do later.

"Virgil, if you want to come over, I'm sorry but you kinda have to hit the brakes on drinking for tonight. We have a," Roman coughed, "fake, policy that you can't go into Patton and I's apartment when, uh... incompacitated?" Roman looked at Logan for confirmation, to which he shook his head with a small smile.

"Fine!" Virgil whined, downing the rest of his drink before putting it on the bar and putting his hands up. "I'm done for the night, do I get to stay over now?"


"Yayy!" Virgil cheered sarcastically before picking up a chip and eating. Logan shook his head fondly and Roman was telling Patton about Logan and Virgil staying over. God damn it, I'm not in the mood to be sober right now, Virgil internally grumbled before turning and glaring at the chip in his hand.

"What'd the chip do to you to make you hate it so much?" Patton asked. He gasped quietly before giggling and reaching over to pick up one of Virgil's chips, placing it on his shoulder. "So you have a chip on your shoulder?" Virgil started giggling before shaking his head.

"You're a dork."


Virgil was very close to passing out. I mean so was Roman, but Virgil was more drunk which definitely fueled his exhaustion. Logan and Patton had decided on watching West Side Story. Of course Roman and Patton were quietly singing along, which Virgil honestly found calming- their accidental harmonies lulling him to sleep.

Logan was sitting on the couch above where Virgil was on the floor and it took all of his will not to lay against his leg and fall asleep. Unfortunately, of course he did. The drunk bastard.


Patton smiled at, watching Virgil sleep in a totally not creepy way. Roman leaned against Patton's side from where they sat on the couch, making Patton blush lightly. Logan was half-asleep, leaning against the arm of the couch with his eyes drooping as he fought to stay awake. Patton found it adorable.

Patton let out a quiet sigh and took a long blink before letting himself fall asleep.


I'm going through a depressive episode and also having mad body image issues alongside dysphoria so that's just splendid.

So my dad's work started covid testing (he's a pharmacist) and my state has skyrocketing cases so I'm probably gonna catch it- just a little warning in case I go dark for a while. Even if I do get it I'll probably recover fine.

Several Sides - LAMP Band AUWhere stories live. Discover now