Hangover (Ch. 5)

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TW: Hangover (duh), Headaches, Implied Alcoholism, Brief Crying Mention

Don't question the song, I thought it would be funny.

Thank you so much for 50 views!

Not the best chapter but I'm just trying to move things along a bit. Also this one is very long and I will tell you upfront, I didn't forget anything that I wrote into this. Conversations happen in between chapters so if there's bits that I leave out, I'm aware (and probably have a note written about it) and just decided that the scene was unneeded.


Virgil woke up in a familiar living room with a buzzing headache. He groaned, annoyed by the bright light coming through the curtains. He slowly sat up and winced at the violent pang of a hangover in the back of his head.

"Fuck..." Virgil groaned, holding the 'uh'. A head poked out of the door frame in front of him. Emile.

"Oh hey there Virgil! How are you doing? I heard you drank pretty hard last night," They said, stepping on and walking slowly over to Virgil. Virgil shrugged before slowly nodding. "Remy told me to give this to you before he left for his gig." Emile took a folded up piece of paper out of their pocket, handing it to Virgil who took it begrudgingly, muttering a thanks before squinting at the paper.

Contact info. Of course, Virgil wanted to hit himself. He was in a band now, and he embarrassed himself within the first- what? Three hours? Dumb ass, he thought to himself. Emile frowned at him and pushed him lightly.

"Hey! Stop thinking like that!" Emile whined. Virgil laughed, looking up at them. "I swear I can hear you thinking, and it's fine. Based on what Rem told me, they were more worried than judgemental." Virgil took a deep breath and took his half-dead phone out of his pocket, checking the time.

"Can you drive me to the bar so that I can get my car and head to work?" Virgil asked, rubbing his eyes. Emile laughed a bit and put their hand on Virgil's chest.

"Take a shower first then get some breakfast okay? You aren't gonna be late," Emile reassured. Virgil looked up at them with a conflicted expression before slowly nodding and standing up.

"Sure, do you want to go grab coffee or something when I'm done? I'll pay," Virgil offered, steadying himself before starting to walk away. Emile shook their head, walking back to the kitchen.

"I'll make us some honey lavender tea, it'll be done by the time you're out."

"Okay! Thanks Emmi."


Roman was texting with Patton when he got a discord notification. He didn't recognize the username, but answered anyway. It's probably Virgil.


hey sorry about last night, if you and patton are still okay with me being in the band, can i know when our first rehearsal is and where? sorry again

Roman smiled at his phone and quickly typed a response. Patton messaged him while he was typing and he made a mental note to respond later.

Judge Judy

youre fine man, its okay we didnt mind. the first rehearsal is gonna be 4/23 at around 5:30pm if thats a good time for you


okay, that's a good time im guessing the same garage as auditions?

Judge Judy


hope to see you there



ill see you around

Judge Judy

oh yeah and if you have one, bring a guitar that can be plugged into speakers, acoustic is gonna be too quiet.

if you don't have one we have an older one i used to record with

Roman clicked out of discord and opened up a game until his alarm went off. He sighed and closed his phone, putting it in his pocket and fixing his vest. He washed his hands and took a deep breath before opening the break room door with a plastered on smile.

"Hey Roman! Can you come over here and help me crown the newest princess?" One of Roman's co-workers called over. Roman internally groaned but smiled and agreed. If I have to sing this song one more time, I'm going to kill someone, Roman thought to himself before walking over and singing the first few notes. This is what I get for working at an obscure store.


Patton looked up from his phone and smiled as the double doors in front of him opened. He pushed a strand of hair behind his ear and turned his chair slightly to face the man who walked in.

"Hello, how can I- Logan?"

"Oh hello there Patton, how are you doing today?" Logan asked, putting down his briefcase and waving at Patton.

"I'm doing okay, today has been pretty slow. How about you?" Patton put his arms on the desk in front of him and smiled. Logan shrugged.

"I'm doing fine, just very busy today," Logan shrugged, "I have an appointment with Dr. Picani." Patton sat up straight again and smiled nervously.

"Oh yeah, I'll uh, give them a call," Patton laughed a bit to fill the silence. Logan picked up his suitcase and went to sit down, pulling his phone out of his pocket to turn off the alarm on his phone that had gone off. The room was fairly quiet, a few people leaving, a couple coming in. A few minutes later, a teen walked out of the hallway, listening to someone on the phone.

"Have a great rest of your day Elliott!" Patton commented from his desk, looking up from his computer for a moment to send a reassuring smile to them. Elliott looked over at Patton with slightly teary eyes and nodded a goodbye with a watery smile before walking out of the building. Logan raised an eyebrow before deciding it was none of his business and went back to reading on his phone.

"Logan Krause?" A soft voice called from the hallway. Logan looked up from his phone and sent a small nod to the person who he recognized as Emile. Logan stood up and picked up his briefcase once again, walking with Emile to their office; he sent a small smile to Patton before he left.

Patton let out another small sigh and leaned his head against his hand while typing with the other. The squeak of the door captured his attention and he quickly smiled up at another regular.

"Hello Remy, Emile just took in another patient, you can go hang out in the staff room until they're done, okay?"


Whoa, whoa, whoa, am I mixing different universes together? Oh dear, this is some spooky content. (Also, I wanted to include Elliott because they're so slept on it's ridiculous. Also-also, I'm having a great time with Emile.) That's it for today. I hope you have a great day/afternoon/night y'all! Stay safe out there!

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