Sleepover! (Ch. 11)

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TW: Food Mention, Cursing, Mention Of Fire (In Context Of Story/Joke), Brief Mention Of Crying, Talk Of Sexualities, The Word 'Queer' In Context Of Sexuality (Used By Member Of LGBTQ)

"A chapter where the four have a sleepover the night before a gig."

~ DraqTheRogue

This was already a planned thing that would happen from time to time but I'm glad you brought it up :) 



It had been about three months since their first gig. At least Patton called it a gig, Logan didn't quite agree but he wasn't about to argue about it. The four of them had played a few other shows but there weren't many openings. When they did manage to land a show though, like this week- actually it was the next day- they had developed a tradition.

They would have a sleepover! They wouldn't do anything big, just a few blankets, a movie, and some form of takeout. Patton was the one who brought it up one night and the rest of them just agreed because who could say no to that excitement?


"Virgil I swear to god if you burn the popcorn," Roman began, only to get hushed by Virgil.

"I won't. Have I ever burnt it before?"

"No but you still are able to."

"Mhm okay Mr. I-don't-want-to-do-it-because-I'll-mess-it-up, why don't you get over your little fear and do it?"

"Roman's banned from microwaving popcorn ever since the incident when we first moved in." Patton called from the living room where he and Logan were setting up the couch.

"Ha! Did you start a fire?" Virgil teased, putting the packet in the microwave and starting it.

"No I did not! I just burned it... a bit..."

"Most of the popcorn was blackened," Patton yelled once again, earning a laugh from Virgil and Logan and causing Roman to pout.


"All I'm saying is the live action Alice In Wonderland was an atrocity of a film." Logan said, sipping at some warm tea. Virgil threw his hands up with a smile.

"Thank you!" He yelled, getting a laugh from the three in the room; even if Roman highly disagreed.

"Okay but can we all at least agree that Fox In The Hound is a classic?" Roman asked, curled up with a box of Chinese food in front of him. He was met with three enthusiastic agreements.

"I mean, the ending is really sad, but I love the story!" Patton said with a smile. Roman looked over at Patton with a raised eyebrow.

"I thought you said you'd never watch it again because it made you cr-"

"Aaaaaand you're gonna stop talking there." Patton interrupted. Logan let out a huff of laughter and looked over to where Virgil was picking at his food with a smile and a spaced out look.
"So any ideas on what to watch?" Logan asked, making Virgil's head slowly move up.

"... Are you asking me?" He asked, pointing to himself. Logan nodded and shifted to look at Virgil. "Oh uh... Maybe? Uh, what do you think about Sharkboy and Lavagirl?" Nervous energy practically radiated from Virgil as he tried to make up a movie on the spot. Logan smiled softly and turned to look at Roman and Patton who were having a short debate about sad movies.

"Are either of you interested in watching Sharkboy and Lavagirl?" Logan asked for Virgil, making the two arguing turn their heads and nod excitedly. Virgil visibly relaxed and Roman opened up Netflix so they could watch the movie.

"Hey Patton?" Roman asked halfway through the movie, getting elbowed lightly by Logan who he stuck out his tongue at. Patton looked over to Roman with a quietly raised eyebrow. "How hot did you think Sharkboy was as a kid?" Logan choked on his drink, they never talked about their sexuality.

"I thought he was a ten out of ten, total gay awakening." Patton said with a smirk, forgetting about the other people in the room. Roman nodded.
"And Lavagirl?"

"Not my type."

"Ah, I see. Well I was just bi panic all around so-"

"Guys, you do know we're still here right?" Virgil chuckled from his spot on the floor.

"Oh shit- uh... Surprise, we're queer!" Roman giggled nervously and Patton just malfunctioned. Logan looked at Virgil and shrugged.

"I'm actually gay myself."

"What?!" Patton exclaimed. The man was ecstatic.

"Yeah, I'm queer too." Virgil shrugged.

"Well damn, we're just a band of queers." Roman muttered making them chuckle before the four silently started focusing on the screen. Patton was quietly buzzing with excitement. Little did he know, so was Roman.


Got grounded, came back, probably gonna get grounded again- but we're all gooooood

I'm working on a request and the next plot point will require one hell of a time skip if I don't have filler so request if you want pre-fame content.

(Requests Open)

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