Hello :D

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Hello and welcome to the Sanders Sides Band AU! I can't say that I'll post regularly with this, as I try to post 1-2 times a week, but sometimes I just can't find the inspiration. Either way, I really hope you enjoy and have fun while I figure out how to properly write this.

Requests are open currently for future chapters after I finish the main points, but I'll find a way to sneak things into your prompts to keep the story progressing.

Only rules with the prompts are:

1- I don't do smut

2- No plot-changing events (severe injury, severe illness, or anything that really effects the characters)

3- Try to keep stuff below what would be considered mature! I don't want to have to change the rating any higher then teen!

4- Please try to keep it 1-6 sentences. If it's more than that I can understand but please try to keep it open for interpretation

I already have a list of things that need to happen during the story so please feel free to request anything.

Anyway, please enjoy and remember to vote and comment! First chapter will be out in just a moment. Have a great day/afternoon/night! Stay safe out there!

Several Sides - LAMP Band AUWhere stories live. Discover now