Community Board (Ch.1)

628 20 1

TW: Cursing, Food mention, Brief yelling,

(Also warning for the video as it may contain somewhat unsettling imagery)


Roman groaned, pausing his strumming on his bass. Patton looked up at him from his laptop confused. Roman stood up from his stool where he had been sitting to record and put his bass down, walking to where Patton was sitting on the couch.

"What's wrong Ro?" Patton asked, shifting in his seat for Roman to sit next to him. Roman flopped down, turning to lay his legs on the arm of the couch. Patton lifted his laptop and Roman put his head in his lap. Patton rolled his eyes and put the laptop on the other arm.

"We need more members. Writing the songs alone and playing all the parts at once is so fuckin annoying." Roman whined. Patton looked away from his screen for a moment and smiled down at Roman.

"Well if you want to make a poster and put it in a local Starbucks or something," Patton looked back up at his laptop, "I'm not making it though, I'm already editing our new song." Roman shot up excitedly and turned around and propped his head up with his hands.

"Really?! I can make it?!" Roman asked, stars in his eyes. Patton laughed a bit and nodded.

"Just don't spend our budget okay kiddo? We don't need a repeat of the splurge of 1/26," Patton laughed out, typing into the laptop and dragging the pitch on the screen, pressing play and cringing at the off-key sound, "Can you put on the poster that we need someone good with music programming?"

Roman nodded and rolled off the couch and onto their garage floor before standing up and rushing to the table in the corner of the room. He snatched his keys up and lifted up the garage door.

"Where are you going?" Patton asked, a click then a pleasant harmony leaving the speakers in the room, making him let out a small victory laugh.

"I'm gonna go get a few supplies from Michaels! I'll try to stay on budget, promise!" Roman shouted from the other side of the door, over the music in the room. Patton looked away from the screen quickly.

"Oh! And keep it under thirty-" Roman closed the door of the garage and ran to start his car, "-dollars... Welp, time to work overtime this week." Patton smiled at the door and shook his head fondly, looking back at his laptop.


"Aaaaaaaaand, DONE!" Roman cheered, putting down his maker and holding up the poster he had made. Patton looked over from his coffee cup and smiled at the poster.

"It looks really nice! Do you wanna go put that up now so that people can see it tomorrow or do you want me to go put it up on my way to work?" Roman turned around and looked at Patton with a small smile.

"Can we go put it up now and get some coffee or something?" Roman asked, standing up, carefully holding the poster. Patton nodded and poured the coffee he was drinking down the sink.

"Sure, the coffee was bad anyway." Roman gasped, putting his free hand on his chest.

"I made that coffee!" Patton smirked and washed out his mug.

"I know."

"Rude. I'm gonna go start the car, be out in three or I'm leaving without you."

"No you won't!" Patton teased, putting his cup to the side and washing his hands. Roman rolled his eyes and opened the garage, leaving it open for Patton as he jogged across the parking lot to his car.


Virgil walked into the Starbucks, groaning as he looked over at a lady who was arguing with the barista at the drink pickup. He walked quietly over to the register and stood, waiting for the lady to stop fighting. She didn't. Virgil groaned loudly and looked over to the woman.

"Oh my god shut up about your fucking chai mocha frap not having enough fucking half and half. Just go over to the bar and add in more until you're satisfied, christ have mercy," Virgil snapped, hissing out his words before looking back to the menu- even though he had his order memorized already. The lady gasped in offense and took her drink, charging out of the door. The barista looked over to Virgil thankfully and walked over with a smile.

"Thanks man, what can I get you?" She asked, leaning against the counter. Virgil smiled shyly back.

"No problem, can I get a grande latte, cafe blonde? The name is Virgil," Virgil asked, fiddling with the sleeves on his jacket. The lady smiled at him and picked up a cup writing his order on the side. Virgil got out his wallet to pay as she was writing.

"Oh no, this is on the house." The lady said, noticing Virgil shuffling with his wallet. Virgil paused and looked up from his hands.

"What? Nonono it's okay, I can pay," Virgil tried to reason. The lady smiled and shook her head. Virgil paused for a moment then smiled a bit and nodded.

"Well, thank you a lot. I hope you have a great day ma'am. Don't let that lady get you down." Virgil said, slowly walking away. The barista chuckled and walked away with a small "you too." As the lady was walking away Virgil slinked back and slipped a five dollar bill into the tip jar.

Virgil wandered over to the bar and grabbed a few napkins, looking up at the calendar written, a poster catching his eye on the community board. He looked at it quizzically and shifted his attention to it.


Several Sides is looking for new band members!

We need a guitarist, a drummer, and possibly a backup singer!

If you also have music programming skills, please stop by!

The try-out date is 5/11 at 2:00pm.

Bring your own instrument please! For drummer we will provide a drumset but bring your own sticks.

Check out our instagram for more information, and check out our soundcloud!

Below the words was their instagram and soundcloud username in lovely cursive along with an address. Virgil thought for a second before taking out his phone and snagging a picture. I've been meaning to play my guitar more often.

"Virgil! Your drink is ready!"


Logan yawned and walked up to the front counter of Starbucks. The guy at the register looked up from his phone and put it in his pocket, plastering on a fake smile.

"Hello sir, what can I get you today?" He asked, standing up straight. Logan looked up at the menu and wiped his eyes a bit.

"Can I get a grande misto?" Logan asked, looking into the pastry window, "And a breakfast croissant please?" The guy nodded, writing on a cup.

"And what's the name?"


"I'll get that right out for you. Could you pay while I get that croissant heated up for you?" Logan nodded and took out his card, swiping it and clicking a few buttons to finish the transaction. He waited for the guy to return and press a few buttons before muttering a small thank you, walking over to a table in the corner, putting down his bag then walking over to the bar, grabbing a handful of napkins and picking up a sugar packet.

He looked up at the community board to see if they had any internship opportunities or any community events he should look out for, as per his routine. His eyes landed on a poster and he blinked a few times to process the bright red and light blues on it.

Several Sides huh? Logan thought, readjusting his glasses a big and taking out his phone again to take a quick photo of the poster. I might just try out. Drumming and music might be a nice extracurricular.


To quote what this is titled in it's google doc *ahem* OHOHOHOHOHOHO THIS IS GONNA BE INTERESTING! I'm gonna try to continue this because I think it's kinda fun to write and well, we're in quarantine, I haven't seen other people outside of my parents and looking out my window in like a month so I might as well keep busy. Stay safe out there guys!

Several Sides - LAMP Band AUWhere stories live. Discover now