Magical Beginnings

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Today is Thursday and professor Darim called me into his office to help me discover my power.

I was walking slowly, wearing my grey uniform and doubting that he will be able to discover it. He was my last hope and I was at least, hoping he could help me. That morning wasn't so good since all night I had some terrible nightmares. I remembered my dreams and they were repeating multiple times.

I was in a dark room and someone's voice was calling me and telling me horrible things. He was saying about everyone's death and that he will destroy everything...Who was he? More importantly why I had dreams with him? And what does it have with me?

I saw Layla walking in the corridor. Her hair was so silky and long, she was very beautiful I thought, before knowing I was already blushing, I was embarrassed. How could I think of her like that? We got here just one week ago and I already like someone. I am so hopeless.

Layla saw me. She came to me.

-Hey Lev!she was so happy, I wonder why.

-Hey Layla, how are you? Why is he so cute, and he seems different.

-I'm good, but you? You seem very tired, you couldn't sleep?

-No, I mean yes, I couldn't sleep because I had nightmares.

-Oh well, welcome to the group, my nightmare is so bad.

-Well at least we can comfort each other I said with a big smile on my face trying to be nice.

Layla saw my smile and turned her face down, what? she was embarrassed? and kept walking with me until we reached the professor's Darim office. She said bye-bye to me smiling and said that she will go to the library.

Woah, she was an interesting person.

On the door that separated me and professor, Darim was a big drawing with a phoenix, his household was represented by a phoenix and he was the head of his household, just like I will be. Even my little cousin, Lef that is staying on the other side of the country heard of his power. Darim was his idol, looking forward to becoming someone like him.

I knocked slowly and entered his office. He was standing at his desk and charging his phone with light. He was wearing a black suit and he seemed very concentrated looking at his classes plan, he almost didn't observe me. A few seconds later he saw me standing a the door and said politely:

-Lev, hello! You can sit here, pointing on the couch that he had in his office. It was a blue couch, levitating a few centimeters above the ground. I got myself comfortable and just watched him work.

-Sorry, Lev, in two minutes I will finish these reports and then we will talk and explore together.

 -It's nothing professor, I am not in a hurry since today we have to study for tomorrow and it's not so much. In this academy, there is this program that says: one-day school activity and one-day studying. I've always liked this type.

I watched professor Darim working for a few more minutes, he was a quiet man, hard-working, and probably very ambitious. His hair was messy and looked like he didn't pay much attention to it. He surprised me, coming right in front of me, holding a blue stone. It was reflecting his green eyes.

-Did you ever hear about the nine artifacts of Genovia?

-I heard about my father one time professor, he told me they were objects that had powers and that they are very special. I don't remember that much since I was little but I remember that he was very fascinated about them.

-Well, there are nine of them and this stone that we have here is one of them. Their existence is somehow unclear and we don't know their whole story.

 -And what does this artifact do professor?


-The stone of soul can reveal the most interesting questions and can reveal the truth. We shall see if this helps you, but I think I already have a clue.

-Let's find out if your clue is correct professor, I think I have the same idea and if that is true then it is going to be bad.

-Lev, follow me closely and pay attention to what I say now, this stone is powerful and if you want to discover, you must ask the stone very carefully and the stone will answer what you asked for.

-So...I must be very careful at what question I am asking.

-Exactly, if not...well I don't think you want to know.

-Let's begin then.

He put the stone into my right hand. The stone started to emanate a white light, that touched my face, that light was warm. I was thinking of my question, feeling anxious, and hoping I would get my answer.

-Please, Stone of soul, tell me, who I am and what is my purpose?

The stone started to emanate different colors and the professor's office was drowning in different colors, it almost looked like we were in another world. I closed my eyes.

When I reopened them I wasn't in the office anymore, I was in another place. I looked around myself and saw a beautiful garden. I was standing in front of a big tree. I looked closer and saw that it's leaves were golden and silver. That tree was special. I saw a silhouette coming from that tree and it was a beautiful man, dressed in a golden robe with silver hair. He was tall and his footsteps were noticeable, almost like he was floating.

-Welcome, Lev! I am Lernardo. I am the spirit of the soul stone and I am here to reveal your question.

-Please tell me Lernardo. I sought for this answer all my life and I couldn't find it.

-You didn't find the answer because it was already in front of you. The answer was always a part of you and you sought in other places. He came to me and put is hand on my forehead.His hand was cold.

-The truth that you seek for is this.

A baby, wait he has blonde hair, that is not me. Who is that Lernardo?

-Let me finish Lev, you will find the truth. He started speaking

A baby was deep in a forest, crying. He kept crying until a man found him. That man was just a healer, named Juasim. He raised him as his own. Juasim later found his word was immortal and that he had the power to give words and to return them. His word was unusual and he was always on his own. He named him Acvazim, after the mountain that they lived near, Acvazes. Acvazim grew along Juasim and had a happy childhood. After many years he grew tall and strong until he was old enough for living on his own. As a gift for Juasim, he gave him the word compassion and the ability to heal any wounds himself. Acvazim left Juasim, going in the world to seek for adventures and to help people. He lived his life in adventure and sought for doing good. He even founded an academy for helping with developing powers and discovering words.

Until all of his life was turned upside down by Welfes.Welfes had the word steal and he could steal other's words and powers. But Welfes didn't start stealing words just after Acvazim passed his town.

Just before founding the academy, he passed some mountains. He was on his way to Alfeim, Welfes's town.

There he stopped into a forest. He was hunting a type of deer. Behind him, a thief was waiting for the right moment. Acvazim was strong, learning every day from the people he met and trying to teach himself anything he could.

That thief attacked him, Acvazim was already used with thieves and started to talk with him, while he disarmed him. That thief didn't want to go home because he needed money and his newborn brother was hungry and his family was starving.

-I am just a burden for my family and I don't deserve to live. When Acvazim heard him he tried to stop him but he was too far and it was too late

He stabbed himself in the heart with a knife from his back. His last words were just: I am sorry.

Late chapter, I will try to find motivation and write this book.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter...

Have a nice day!!💋💋😘🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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