Chapter 2- Last day of freedom

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Bakugou POV.


I hear my old hag shout through the door. I groan loudly and shout back.

"OI, don't wake me up on the last day of my freedom!!

"We have guests!"

What? Who the fuck gets visitors the last day of summer break and in the morning? Who the fuck visits at this time?

I get up and get dressed. I end up wearing a black t-shirt with a white skull on it and some dark gray ripped jeans.

I walk down into the living room and I see an annoying little shit.


He looks scared. Good. He should be scared of me, if not I would blow his face of. I growl a response knowing if I didn't the old hag would hit me.


It was more a response of agnologizing his existence rather then a greeting. At my "unwelcoming greeting" my mom hit my ribs with her right elbow, giving me a glare.

My mom had apparently already made breakfast and we made our way to the kitchen. We sat down at the breakfast table and my mom served us some food. The others started a conversation and I started to eat my breakfast. When I had eaten my food I stare at my wrist with my semi permanent scowl. My soulmate line changed colours from black to red about two weeks ago. Does this mean they dyed their hair? Why? Black is such a cool colour! Why would they change them self?

I can't understand for the life of me why they would dye there hair. I'm positive I've not met my soulmate yet but if I have then I might not recognise them anymore. I mean I've never even found anybody attractive and you're supposed to like everything about your soulmate, even if you don't love them romantically. You're supposed to find them attractive and like their personality. You will feel extremely comfortable around them and feel almost like a pull towards them. I have build walls around me with my explosive personality and quirk. People are scared of me and too afraid to even try and break my walls.

It's because you're weak!

What the hell? What is this? I hear words I don't want to hear. Please don't come back. I've already gone through enough of these thoughts, I don't want them to come back. I slowly cover my ears and close my eyes. I need to focus. This needs to stop!

You're never going to be loved, not even-


I get snapped out of my thoughts by my mom screaming my name and shaking my shoulders lightly. I open my eyes and see my moms face inches away from mine. Her expression filled with worry. I see Inko and deku behind her also worried.

"Are you okay?" My mom asks worried.

"I'm fine." I deadpan. "I'm gonna go to my room now, old hag."

She looks away and keep talking to Inko and deku. Does she not care?


It's not surprising, nobody cares about you.


I walk into my room. I walk to my drawer and open it. I took out a box cutter and stare at it. I slowly roll up my sleeve and start cutting. I didn't cut very deep so that people wouldn't notice if they looked at it tomorrow and if they did notice I could just say that they're scratches I got when I fell of something. One cut for everything that's bothering me.

I'm lonely. Why did my soulmate change them self? Nobody loves me. Nobody will love me. I'm ungrateful, stupid, weak and mean. Not even my soulmate will love me.

I'm now crying on the floor. Trying my best not to sob or make a sound. My arm had clean cuts, blood seeping out of the wounds. I was screaming in my head. I was staring at the floor, screaming so loudly in my mind I didn't even hear the soft knock on my bedroom door. I got snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my mom's soft voice.

"Katsuki... Are you okay? Izuku and Inko left. I'm worried, did something happen?" My mom asks through the door.

"No-nothing happened, I-I'm f-fine!" I said. Damn voice. You could clearly hear in my voice that I had been crying by the way my voice cracked AND I was stuttering.

"I'm coming in." She said as she creaks the door open and gasps at the sight. Me, silently sobbing on the floor. My left arm had cuts all over and was covered in blood. She ran over to me and hugged me tightly while whispering sweet reassuring things in my ear. I let out my suppressed sobs and clung to her motherly and kind warmth.

Mitsuki POV. (Bakugou's mom)

I can't believe my little Katsuki is going through something like this. He doesn't deserve this. I hold him tight like my life depends on it. I whisper sweet things in his ear while he sobs into my grip on him. We hold each other for a while until I speak up.

"Lets clean you up, you have school tomorrow." I didn't want to ask him right now but I was going to ask him today so that I can help him and stop him from doing it again. He nodded and we went to the bathroom. When we were there he sat down on the toilet while I started cleaning his cuts.

"Why?" I ask looking up at him and into his eyes.

"I-I don't know... I got these thoughts... Saying I wasn't loved and that I will never be loved, because I'm ungrateful and mean." He takes a deep breath to avoid crying again. "That you didn't care about me. And that not even my soulmate would love me."

He avoided eye contact so I finished cleaning his cuts and then answered.

"I love you, Katsuki." He looks into my eyes as I said it to make sure I wasn't lying but there was nothing to lie about.

"I love you too, mom."

We share another hug and then I bandage him up.

"It's lunch time, you wanna eat out or at home?" I ask with a slight smile.

"I don't wanna go out." He said, his usual moody expression back on his face.

"I'll go make some lunch then." I say as I walk to the kitchen.

(A/N It's starting to get sad now. Love Mitsuki btw, I don't want to make her homophobic, cause I don't like parents who don't support their kids. I like this chapter a LOT more then the first but could still use some improvement. See ya next chapter!)

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