Chapter 3- Challenge accepted

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Bakugou POV.




I smash my alarm to shut it up. Fuck. It's school. If that shitty deku is there I'm going to die. There's gonna be so many new idiots to deal with now. Hopefully they know their place. Another year of no friends, here I come. I sigh and get out of bed. I wash my face and brush my hair with my fingers to get it to it's usual puffy nature. I change into my new uniform, without the tie of course and go down stairs to eat breakfast with my mom. My dad should get home tonight from his business trip but for now it's only me and the old hag.

When I got downstairs there was a plait of food and a note.

"Dear Katsuki, I had to go early today but I'll be back to pick you up after school. I hope you have a good first day at UA. We're so proud of you!

Love, mom."

She usually doesn't do this sort of stuff, maybe it's because of yesterday. I don't really care anyway. I realised that I was wrong about my mom not caring about me, but I do know that I wasn't wrong about everyone else. I quickly ate my breakfast, brushed my teeth and headed out the door, then locked it behind me.

My arm hurts...

Am I a fucking idiot or what? Of course my arm hurts I fucking cut it yesterday. I seriously don't have a will to live anymore, I just wanna fucking die. Why? Why are people so nice to me? I'm an asshole! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! I mentally scream at myself while cursing underneath my breath.

I get to UA and head to my classroom, 1-a. I'm the first one there, I guess I'm early today. After a while the other students start coming in. Fuck they're annoying. A boy with blue hair walked in and as soon as he saw me he walked over while doing weird hand motions.

"Do you not know that it is incredibly disrespectful to have your feet on top the desk?" He said while chopping the air with his hands.
"Huh? Does it look like I care extra?!"
"I'm Tenya Iida and I don't think that you should go around being disrespectful to your fellow classmates."

God he's annoying. I started to ignore him and mentally distancing myself. I slowly watched everyone come into the classroom. Apparently shitty Deku is also in this class but I'm tired, so I just ignore him. Everyone was entering and they all seemed as obnoxious and loud as ever but one person caught my eye. He is about my height, and is in quite good shape, but the thing that caught my attention was his spiked, bright red hair. I look down at my wrist. The same colour, could he be my soulmate? No. Stop don't get your hopes up Katsuki you know what will happen. He is pretty good looking, but I'll never admit that out loud.

I didn't even realise that I had been staring until I saw a yellow caterpillar enter the classroom. I was really confused but I wouldn't let it show on my face. I just kept my bored and angry expression. The caterpillar then proceeded to unzip what was apparently a yellow sleeping bag and walks to the front of the class.

"Alright, stop talking I'm only saying this once. My name is Aizawa and I'm your homeroom teacher. You will be in this classroom in all of your lessons but will have different teachers. You will have normal lessons like math and English, but you will have  extra lessons to prepare yourself for the future of being heroes. That lesson is called hero training. That's all. You can do whatever now, just be quiet I'm tired so I'm going to sleep."

Our new homeroom teacher then proceeded to zip himself up in his sleeping bag and laid down behind the front desk and immediately fell asleep. We just kind of stared at him for a moment before the other idiots started talking to each other and getting to know everyone. Me and a bi-coloured boy where the only ones to remain in our seats.

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