Chapter 10- Absent

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(A/N Is anyone actually reading my author notes? This is a little bit of a longer chapter, enjoy!)

Kirishima POV.

I wake up to a feeling of something missing in my arms and a certain level of coldness. I slowly open my eyes and see an empty space next to me in my bed and my phone. I open my phone and look at the time. It's half an hour until I have to get up and get ready. Why am I awake? I never wake up before my alarm goes off and why does it feel like somethings missing? I think to myself before all the events from just a couple hours before came back to me. Where is Bakugou?! I ask myself, panicking and looking anxiously around my room before spotting him outside on my balcony, leaning down and resting his forehead on the ledge, his shoulders tense and slightly shaking. I slowly get up and walk over to the balcony door and walk out into the cold morning air.  I walk over and stand next to him, taking in his facial expression when he looks up at me. Pain. His eyes are filled with that emotion. Pain, worry, sadness and a certain amount of confusion. He looks deeply into my eyes and that's when I notice the small amount of relief in his expression.

"Are you cold?" I ask him, to which I got a slight nod in response. I give him a small reassuring smile as I put my arm around him in an attempt at warming him up slightly. "Is this something about what happened yesterday?" I ask trying to make him open up a little bit to make him feel better about whatever it was that was bothering him. Bakugou takes a deep breath before looking at me and sighing. "You wanna know what happened?" He moves his whole body to face me, my arm dropping to my side in the process. I only nod, signaling him to keep going in silent support. He sighed again before he kept going. "I'm worried about Deku." He said quietly, seeming like he doesn't want to talk about it. I slowly nod. This must be something serious since he's so worried, I noticed something off about Midoriya but it seems as it was something more. I know it's probably hard for Bakugou to talk to me about it but keeping it to himself won't help if he's this worried.  I grab his hand and laced our fingers together for some sort of support, I don't really know how to help him but I'll be damned if I didn't try.

"He..." Baku began, seeming unsure, almost like he didn't know if he should tell me or not. "He tried to commit suicide." He finished the sentence before he kept going. "I couldn't sleep so I went downstairs to get a glass of water when I saw him. He was acting all weird so I watched him from around the corner. I had this weird feeling like something bad was gonna happen and it only got stronger the longer I watched. He then left the building after typing something on his phone and I followed him." Bakugou took another deep breath before he continued the story. "I followed him to this building where he sat at the edge and sent some messages. I don't know how many but at least three I think. One to me, one to the class group chat, and I think he sent one to his mom and maybe half 'n half or something. He was saying goodbye and before I knew it he was standing up with closed eyes, and then he took a step backwards so that he would fall. I couldn't move at first but then I ran and jumped after him. I used my quirk to get to him before he fell and to get us to the ground safely. Then I took him back to his room. It's all my fault! If I hadn't been so mean to him, bullied him back in middle school. If I hadn't said that thing. I completely forgot I said it and-"

"Come here..." I say, holding my arms open for a hug whilst cutting his sentence off. He slowly wraps his arms around me and rests his head against mine. I wrap my arms around his tiny waist and he wraps his around my neck. Him being just slightly taller than me makes me have to look up a little so that I can look him in the eyes. "Listen to me. It wasn't your fault and you know that. But also, you saved him. If you wouldn't have been there, then Midoriya probably would have died." I say. I know he feels guilty for whatever he did back in middle school but this isn't his fault. I'll try to reason my way into his brain to make him stop worrying so much but I wouldn't be surprised if he can't go to school today. Same with Midoriya. "I think Midoriya tried to go to sleep or go to a friend like Todoroki, Iida, Uraraka or Tsu. I don't think he will try that again. And that is because of you. You showed him that people care about him. That he isn't alone!" He scoffed. "And knowing Izuku he probably already forgave me a long time ago and just used what I said as an excuse." I smile a little at the use of Midoriya's actual given name, maybe just a tad bit jealous that they're on first name basis. It's only natural though. They've known each other since childhood. "See? There is nothing to worry about. We'll talk to him in the morning though." I say softly, looking into those fears red eyes, looking softer when we're alone then with other people around. "Yeah you're right." He says with a sigh. He unwraps his arms around me and start walking back inside. "Um... Baku...? Can I ask you something?" I ask stopping him. He turns around and gives me a questioning look, almost as if telling me "Go on". I sigh and just decide to ask him. It won't change how I look at him either way. "What did you tell him back in middle school. It won't change how I view you I'm just curious." A small "Oh" comes out of his mouth before he sighs heavily. "I told him to jump off of a building." He told me quietly, avoiding my gaze. 

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