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(Amy's POV)
The Black hedgehog turned his head away from me and stared into the emptiness of the fog. What was with him? A small rumbling came from the distance then a deep buzz sound. It sounded like....

"Get down!" The hedgehog ducked down and I did the same. A swarm of...Assyrians flew over me. These small creatures look like small birds,but they could kill a person if they were able to corner them. They are not on anyone's side so they will attack anyone who crosses their path. As soon as they passed they started flying back towards us.Even though I didn't know this guy, I don't feel right just leaving him.

"Run!!!" I yelled,and we both ran in the opposite direction of the Assyrians. I didn't dare look back, that could be a fatal mistake.These things were supposed to be vegetarian! Vegetarian my..... The black hedgehog sped up and grabbed my wrist.Then he sped off again, this time faster, and he was dragging me along too. He slid to a stop and let go of my wrist. We were at the edge of the clouds. No land, just cloud. We couldn't walk in clouds,only on solid ground. The only way back was the way we came. The small creatures started to appear.

(Shadow's POV)
What to do....What to do....The pink hedgehog looked scared. These things can kill...what can I- The pink hedgehog took a step back,but a little too far. Her foot missed the last bit of ground and she started falling. Then that's when I light-bulb went off in my head. I let myself fall backwards into the clouds. I could survive the takes more then that to kill a Dark Angel. After what seemed like forever, the clouds started clearing. Soon after I hit water. I landed in a shallow pond. Deep enough so that I was not injured and shallow enough so that I could stand. The pond was in a forest,no sign of people...What happened to that girl...I walked to the shore and looked in the water, then along the shore line. I found her laying 20 yards away from me, washed up on the shore. Probably fainted while falling. I need to get us somewhere safe... I picked up the girl and walked into the forest.

(Amy's POV)
I was faintly awake...alone in the dark. I was too tired to open my eyes...Cold..alone...Someone picked me up. A bridal style way. I felt them start walking. The person was tired......

ShadAmy- Assassin's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now