Photos and Squealing Moms

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(Hi everyone! This is my first story but I have many more accounts with more books if you want to check them out! So anyways, I made this story as if Ralph and Henry were in their young adult years, like age 20 and 21. Henry is 20 but will be turning 21 soon, and Ralph is already 21. They both also have very well paying jobs, they are CEO's of multi-billion dollar companies. So they both make very good money. Ok, I think that's all you need to know for now and please enjoy the story!)

Henry and Ralph were hanging out in the Purple Hand Gang's fort, laughing, talking and making fun of girls. Henry didn't even realize that he was staring at Ralph so much, looking at Ralph's handsome face and fit body made him blush red like crazy! Henry now owned his family's old house but his family stays with him frequently, even if they all have houses of their own. Surprisingly, Henry and Ralph passed Middle School, Highschool and even college with top grades! They both have good jobs and are making a lot of money, like, company amount money! Now, they are living their adult life comfortably, with their family still pestering them.

Henry POV:

'Wow, Ralph is so handsome... he would never like me the way I like him...' I thought inside my head. Jeez, I didn't even notice that I was unconsciously staring at him. He turned his head to look at me while I was still staring at him, he put on a small smirk.

"Henry? Why are you staring at me?" He giggle a bit. 'So hot...' I thought again but I instantly snapped out of it when he started getting suspicious. 'Oh god Henry! Think, Think, THINK!' I alarmed myself.

"Oh, I wasn't staring at you, Ralph! I was staring at A BEE! Yeah! A bee was right beside you and I just froze so it wouldn't sting me or you!" I quickly lied, then he looked at me like he knew I was lying. I was panicking!

"Oh...? Ok, if you say so Henry." he said and looked back at the TV. 'Phew...I'm safe...maybe one day I'll tell him'.

Ralph POV:

I saw Henry staring at me from the corner of my eye, I turned to him and caught him still staring. I smirked and asked him why he was staring at me while giggling a little bit. He froze for a few second, which was weird because Henry NEVER freezes while talking! 'Hmm...maybe doesn't love me in that way...' I thought. Henry finally spoke and told me he was staring at a "bee" that was beside me. 'If you think I'm gonna believe that think again Henry.' I thought to myself, I obviously didn't believe him because he STUTTERED! HE NEVER STUTTERS! I lied and told him "ok" but I still didn't believe him.

Henry POV:

'I was safe...for now...' I thought to myself, then I heard Ralph's mom call him from our backdoor.

"Ralph! Honey! Time to go home now!" I heard her say. I checked the time and saw that it was already 9:47pm! Jeez, have we really been in the fort for 5 hours?! I looked at Ralph as he got up, he then extended his hand to help me get up. I took hold of his hand and stood up, I hid my face as we walked out of the tent due to the fact that I was still blushing.

"Henry? Why are you hiding your face? Are you ok?" he asked. I started blushing even more but I had no choice but to lift up and show him my face. I was still red and he obviously took notice of that.

"Henry!? Your face is all red! Are you having a fever or something!?" I turned even more red when we cupped my face.

"Ummm... I-uh... YES! I feel kinda sick! Owwwww! My-uhhhmmmm...HEAD! My head hurts!" I faked being hurt. My face was still in his hands!

Ralph POV:

Now I knew something was up, Henry looked super red that I swear he could match my red sweater! He said he felt sick and started acting like it, but he couldn't food me! I immediately realized I was cupping his face, I slowly took my hands away and blushed. But, I had to figure out was was wrong, before I did though, my mom and Henry's mom took a photo of me cupping Henry's face! UGH!

Rude Ralph x Horrid Henry fanfic (fluff and lemons)Where stories live. Discover now