I Love You, So Please Rest (Part 2)

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No One POV:

Some hours after their families left, Ralph and Henry watched TV in the living room for awhile until Henry remembered all the house chores. Henry instantly got started on the chores, vacuuming, dusting, making the beds, all that house wife/husband stuff. When Ralph realized what Henry was doing he immediately carried his fragile lover to the couch.

Ralph POV:

"Baby, what are you doing? I asked you to stay on the couch and rest while I do the work." I softly scolded Henry, who, had a pout of his face, showing that he is not amused. I set him down on the couch gently and turned on his favourite show, BANGTAN RUN. Henry sat up slowly and looked at me. He then smiled softly and caressed my cheek with his soft hand.

"Ralphie~ Please, I can do house work too. And besides, I only got pregnant a few days ago, it's not like I can't move like I'm pregnant for 7 months. Please, let me help you." Henry pleaded. I looked into his eyes and sighed in defeat.

"Fine, but you have to promise me that you are going to be careful, alright? I don't want you or our little troublemaker to get hurt." I said playfully. Henry giggled and pecked my lips. He then got up from the couch gently and turned off the TV. We then both went to the kitchen. Henry went to the backyard and I saw him start to sprinkle ice melting salt around the porch. I then went outside to join him, and right before I got to put my arms around his torso, he slipped on the ice. I immediately caught him and held him up gently.

"Henry! Baby, are you ok? Do you have any bruises? Cuts? Do you need some rest?" I ranted on and on until Henry giggled and kissed my lips to shut me up. I quickly stopped talking and put my arms around his beautiful body. We pulled away and went back inside.

"Sorry for making you worried, Ralphie~ Maybe I shouldn't go outside to do chores after all." Henry giggled out nervously. I smirked and lowered my hands onto his waist, making him blush really red. Henry looked away in embarrassment, I smiled and started kissing his neck.

Henry POV:

Ralph started kissing my neck, I started to moan and gripped onto his shirt tighter. He started sucking on the spot that drove me crazy. I moaned louder and I felt my blush go even more red. I wanted to make love so badly right now, but I can't since I know that it will kill my baby. I was then pulled out of my thoughts when Ralph gripped my arse, making me groan. He then pulled away from my neck, and I could already tell that I have really purple noticeable hickeys on my neck. I held onto Ralph, panting and trying to catch my breath. I heard Ralph chuckle and I turned even more red.

"H-hey! Don't laugh!" I scolded. Ralph laughed even more and held me closer. I sighed and giggled at bit. I then pulled away from his chest and quickly gave him a peck on his lips before walking away to the living room. I walked into the living room and started putting on my favourite song, Young Love by Eli Lieb. I love how he's not afraid to be criticized for being a gay celebrity. I then started dusting the furniture, then started singing along with the song.


"When I was 22, the day that I met you, and you took my hand through the night~ When it was getting late, and you asked me to stay and hold you until we see light~" I was about to sing the next part of the lyrics until I heard someone else sing it, it was Ralph. I turned my head towards the door and saw him walking inside the living room while singing. I blushed.

"Shut the door and turn the lights off. You put on your dukes tonight!~" Ralph sang, taking my hand. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"This love is getting dangerous! But I need some more, tonight! Your touch is contagious, You know what I need tonight! I can't run and I can't hide! I'll be wasted by the light! I'm undone but I'm alive, Don't ever wanna see the morning light!~" Ralph and I sang the chorus together. After, I looked into his eyes and jumped into his arms, kissing his lips in the process. I felt Ralph immediately kiss back. We pulled away and hugged one another. I buried my head into his chest, feeling so much love.

Ralph POV:

I hugged my baby boy, giving all my love to him. I love him so so much, I never want to let him go, I want to hold him forever. How can such a perfect boy love someone like me. I start thinking of building a life, a family with Henry, MY Henry. We stayed like that for almost seven minutes until I looked at the clock and checked the time. It was already 9:37 at night! Oh god. I gently picked Henry up in bridal style, shut the TV and walked upstairs to his bedroom. I felt him snuggle into my chest, and I smiled and kissed the top of his head, to which he giggled at. I reached to bedroom and laid my fragile baby on the bed, I got into my usual sleeping position, then pulled Henry towards me. I felt him snuggle up to me. He looked up and we both kissed one another. I was the first to pull away and smile. Henry smiled back.

"I love you so much, Ralphie~ Good night~" Henry murmured before closing his eyes. I smiled wider and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too, good night, my love." I said softly before pulling Henry closer and giving into fatigue's influence.

'It's us forever...I love you...'

MY BOOTIFUL MUFFINS! I missed you all so much! I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SORRY that I haven't posted a chapter for so long! I went camping and then I had a writer's block. BUT DON'T WORRY! I have tons of new ideas for new chapters of this story! I would like to thank @_GayestHoe_69 for literally cheering this story on! If you are reading this, then I would just love to say THANK U! AND LOVE YOU BUDDY!!! Anyways muffins, I will see you all in the next chapter! BYEEEEEE

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