I Love You, So Please Rest (Part 1)

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Henry POV:

I woke up due to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. I looked and saw that it way already 9:30, which meant that in an hour, my parents and Peter will be going home to their own hours. I gotta admit, I was a bit sad. Ever since I started maturing I've enjoyed my family's company more and more, but I am a bit relieved since they won't be annoying me and Ralph for some time. I know Ralph has his own house too, but he really misses his parents all the time so he stays with them a lot. I smiled as I felt Ralph's hot breath on the back of my neck and his strong arms holding me close. I giggled softly and kissed my boyfriend's lips to wake him up, eventually it worked.

"Mhhh, morning, my love." Ralph slurred out in sleepiness, I cutely giggled in response. Ralph rubbed his eyes and looked at up and smiled. I smiled back and then I felt his lips on mine. I instantly kissed back, putting my arms around his neck. We pulled away after some need of air and smiled at one another. Ralph then kissed my neck, leaving dark hickeys all over. I moaned, holding onto the back of his shirt tightly. I was the first to get up and get dressed, of course, in Ralph's hoodie and shorts. 

Ralph POV: 

As Henry and I were done changing, Henry hugged me from the back and I turned around and hugged him back. We stared into each other's eyes and kissed once more, I then pushed my tongue inside his mouth and sucked on his tongue. I heard Henry moan out the sweetest noises ever. The, I put my hands on Henry's beautiful and round ass, squeezing it and making him moan louder into my mouth. I know we couldn't have sex because he's still carrying our baby. God, this is gonna be a long nine months. I was the first to pull away, a string of saliva connecting me and Henry's mouths. Henry stared into my eyes and I stared into his. He smiled and snuggled up to my chest. 

"What's with the sudden sweet act, baby boy?" I asked, stroking his soft chestnut brown hair. I earned a cute giggle from my baby.

"To thank you for comforting last night from my...nightmare..." Henry replied, then trailed off at the last part of his sentence. I know he is still traumatized from his nightmare and I couldn't bare to see the love of my life feeling sad, unhappy, or scared. I want to see him happy, smiling and always feel loved. I smiled sadly at my lover and then pecked his soft lips.

"I'm your husb- I MEAN, your boyfriend, Henry. I don't want to see you sad, I want to see my baby boy always happy. So always promise to smile for me, ok, love? And if you find it hard to smile, always remember, that I love you, so so much." I replied. I instantly felt so embarrassed when I almost accidentally said 'husband' instead of 'boyfriend'. I can't wait to propose to him, but I can't find the right ring! Henry blushed red, then smirked.

"I love you too, my Future Husband.~" Henry said seductively, and then kissed my cheek. I then smiled and watched my beautiful baby walking out the door and downstairs. 'I can't wait to marry you, baby. Just wait for a little while, I promise you that it will be soon.' I mentally told myself. I walked out of the room and hurried towards Henry on the stairs. I held his hand as we walked downstairs. He looked at me and smiled, putting his head on my shoulder as we walked. Then, we both smelled the aroma of bacon, eggs and waffles, then heard chatter coming from the kitchen. Henry and I got to the kitchen and our families greeted us with warm smiles and 'good mornings'. 

"Hi boys! How was your night?" Henry's dad asked us. I felt Henry let go of my hand and go somewhere else in the kitchen. Meanwhile, I told our family about how Henry had a really bad dream which got him really traumatized. 

"Ralph, darling. We all promise you that Henry and you will never have to worry about Nick. We will all help you every step of the way." My mom said. Everyone nodded in agreement with her and I smiled. 

"Thanks, guys." I thanked them. They all smiled warmly. I was about to sit down until I saw Henry doing a lot of things in the kitchen, basically multi-tasking. He was putting away the dried dishes in the cupboards, washing the dishes and getting a glass of milk. I gasped and immediately went to go help him. Well, tell my fragile baby boy to sit down and let me do the work. 

"Henry! Baby! What are you doing?" I asked frantically. Henry looked at me, confused, lovingly and amused. 

"What are you talking about, Ralphie? I'm just doing some chores." Henry explained. I felt like I was gonna faint. My baby shouldn't be doing work, especially not when he's carrying our child! 

"No no, baby. You are going to go sit down, rest, and let me do the work. Ok?" I said, putting my overprotective boyfriend/future husband mode on. 

"What? *giggles* Ralphie, I'm fine. I can still help out around the house." Henry replied, laughing lightly as he did. I knew I was acting really over protectively, but I just don't want my baby to feel overworked. I sighed and led my beautiful baby to the table where everyone was sitting and trying to hold back their squeals. I made Henry sit down on one of the chairs gently and brought him his glass of milk. 

"Ralphie~ I can still do my chores! You don't have to do everything!" Henry whined cutely. Our moms started squealing loudly. Our dads were smirking widely and Peter was fan girling, well, fan BOYING. I smiled softly at my baby.

"No, baby. You have to rest ok?" I told him. Henry looked at me like he wanted to protest.

"Ralphie, honey~ I just don't want you to feel overworked. And your arm..." Henry said, rising up from his seat carefully. I sat him back down and kissed his cheek. 

"Baby, please. Just rest, you need it. And my arm is doing fine,I promise." I reassured my lover. I already knew our moms were taking pictures and recording the scene, but me and Henry already got so used to it that we don't mid anymore. I heard our dads continue talking about the design for the nursery, and Peter was thinking and trying to figure out which name would suit our baby the most. I rolled my eyes and turned my focus back to Henry. Eventually, he sighed in defeat.

"Fine, but I have to help with chores around the house still. This is only for today, ok, Ralphie~?" Henry tried to convince me otherwise. 

"I can't make any promises, baby. But for now, please, just rest." I pleaded. Henry shagged his shoulders down in defeated and nodded his head slowly. I smiled and went to do the kitchen chores, while our entire family was being crazy. 

~Time Skip to 10;30~

It was time for our families to go back home. Henry hugged Peter, his mom and dad goodbye, and I hugged my parents goodbye. They all went to their cars and we watched them drive away to their own homes. Henry and I went back inside and the rest of hour day went like this...

ANDDDDDDD CLIFFHANGER! SORRY MUFFINS! Anyways, I am back! Sorry for the long wait on the next chapter but I've been working on these news stories on my account. If you want to check them out just go to my account and you'll see the new stories I've been posting! Anyways, thank you all so much for all the love you've given me! KI can't thank you all enough! Love you all! SEE YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTER

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