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No one's POV:

It has been a very long day for the two lovers. Henry was almost harassed by Notorious Nick, and Ralph got his arm stabbed by the same person who wanted to seduce Henry, Nick. They both needed a break from today just to relax and rest. A few before the Christmas Party, Henry found out he is pregnant with Ralph's baby, and both of them couldn't get anymore happy but they fear for their baby, because what if Nick comes back and does something terrible to their family? Henry kept thinking this thought over and over again, until he eventually fell asleep, dreaming about what might happen if Nick comes back.

Henry POV:

~In a dream~

Cold. That's all I felt. I was walking around until I heard a baby crying. I turned around and saw Nick holding up a child! MY CHILD! I started crying as Nick laughed hysterically.

"PUT MY CHILD DOWN! PLEASE!" I screamed, tears falling down my eyes. Nick smirked slyly and started walking up to me, holding the baby. I stepped back.

"If you want me to put your baby back safe and sound, then you have to be mine, and let me do anything I want with you. Plus, you will have to forget about Ralph and raise your child along with me!" Nick told me, smirking like he wanted to do something wrong. I didn't answer for awhile and I could tell he was getting impatient.

"Well?! What's your choice Henry?! Your child or Ralph?!" Nick yelled at me, holding my baby. I felt more tears fall down. But i straightened myself out and looked Nick in the eyes.

"Where. Is. Ralph?!" I screamed at Nick. He chuckled and snapped his fingers, turning on a spotlight shining down on Ralph! Ralph was on the ground, wounded and covered in blood. I sobbed and started running up to him, but Nick held me back.

"No, no Henry. You can't go up to him...he's dead already and now...your...mine!" Nick told me, maniacally. I looked at Ralph's body laying on the floor again and noticed he wasn't moving. I screamed and started sobbing loudly. I heard Nick laughing and my baby crying harder.

"Ralph! No! Please don't leave me!" I screamed out through my tears, but Ralph didn't move. I felt Nick let me go and I took that chance to run to Ralph's body. I reached him and lifted his body and cried hard. I was so focused on Ralph that I didn't even remember that Nick was still holding my baby. After I realized that my child was still in danger I immediately whipped my head to where Nick was standing. What I saw terrified me. Nick was giving my baby away to two men, who did not look very nice. They took my baby while laughing and Nick laughed along with them.

"My baby! NO! Give him back!" I screamed, sprinting towards the two men, but Nick stopped me again. He then pulled me closer.

"You won't be needing that brat anymore, Henry. You're mine now and I'm going to make sure that your pretty little body is going to feel numb after what I'm gonna do." Nick said to me. I looked back to the two men and saw them throw my baby off of a cliff! I screamed loudly and sobbed the loudest I can.

~End of dream~

I then woke up in my bedroom, next to Ralph who was already awake, watching me cry in my sleep. 'It was a dream...thank god....' I thought to myself. I then felt Ralph hug me close and kiss the top of my head. I started sobbing and he started to rub my back.

", it's ok...what happened..." I heard Ralph whisper in my ear softly. I wanted to talk, but I kept chocking on my own tears. Ralph kissed my forehead and hugged me tighter.

"Baby, it's ok. Just breathe...I'm right here." Ralph told me lovingly. I took deep breaths and calmed down a little bit. After a few more seconds later, I was finally able to breathe normally and felt well enough to talk.

"N-Nick....he ki-killed you...and gave our b-baby away!" I said, stuttering. After, more tears slipped down my cheeks. Ralph pulled away and looked into my eyes lovingly. He then pulled me into a kiss. I immediately kissed back, still crying but full of love. We pulled away and I snuggled up to Ralph once again.

"'s alright baby. That will never happen. I promise you, I will promise to protect our family." I heard Ralph whisper. My tears slowed down, but I was still very scared. What if it actually happens and I'm stuck with Nick? Somehow, Ralph knew how what I was thinking and moved his hands down to my stomach, holding my not - noticeable pregnant belly gently.

"I promise you, both of you, that I will never let anyone hurt our family." Ralph whispered, while looking into my eyes and rubbing my stomach. I smiled softly. Ralph then laid us both down on the bed and pulled me close to his body. I never felt so much love in my entire life before. I swear, I love this man. I then pulled away from his chest and kissed his lips passionately, Im so lucky to have Ralph.

"Lets get to sleep. Don't worry, I'll be here by your side the entire time." Ralph said after he pulled away from my lips. I mustered a cute smile, to which he giggled to. I snuggled into his chest once more and started closing my eyes, comforted by the fact that Ralph will always be there for me and that our child will be coming soon. I then drifted into slumber, before I did, I heard Ralph mumble...

"I love you Henry. Sleep well, my angels" Ralph said softly, noticing I was already back asleep. He chuckled and held me tighter. I then knew from his soft snores that he is now also asleep.

'I promise...'

MY MUFFINS! I missed you all so much! I am so so so sorry for not posting a chapter for a few days, I was just so busy back to school shopping and studying for the next semester. But don't worry! I promise the next chapter will be here soon! I love you all so much! Stay reading for the next episode! See you all in the next chapter my muffins!

Rude Ralph x Horrid Henry fanfic (fluff and lemons)Where stories live. Discover now