Christmas Party (Part 1)

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Henry POV:

I woke up to the ringing of my alarm clock, feeling a bit dizzy. I checked the time and saw that if was already 8:30, it was almost time for the party and our families must be downstairs already. But then I remembered last night, I blushed a dark red and looked up at Ralph, who was holding me close. I smiled softly and started to gently shake him awake. Ralph started stirring awake, and when finally woke up he smiled and gave me a quick peck on my lips. I smiled at him and gripped onto his shirt tighter.

"Good morning, baby~ How'd you sleep?" Ralph asked me.

"It was really good, but even better because I had to next to me." I responded and winked at him. He blushed and pulled me in for a hug, of course, I immediately hugged back. When we got up I smelled fried chicken and soup in my kitchen. I started slobbering and wanted to run downstairs and gobble up the food. Of course its annoying to have your family constantly stay with you in your own house, but I can't deny's cooking is awesome! However, before Ralph and I got to the stairs, I felt so nauseous. I quickly ran to the bathroom and started vomiting. Ralph quickly ran to the bathroom and saw me barfing up. He kneeled down to my height and patted my back. After some minutes, I stopped vomiting, wiped my lips, then flushed the toilet.

"Baby? Are you ok? What's going on?"  Ralph asked as he helped me stand on my feet. I actually didn't know what was wrong with me at the moment, so I pieced some thoughts together.

'Ralph didn't use condoms...I'm dizzy...I just vomited...I'm feeling nauseous...he came inside of me...NO! Can it be?! Am I PREGNANT?!' I screamed inside my head, I was of course happy to have a little baby, but will Ralph be when he finds out?! What if he leaves me?! I don't want him to leave me!

"Ummm-its...its nothing Ralph. Let's get downstairs..." I told him, I left the washroom before him and I can tell that he was confused and suspicious. While I was walking down the stairs, I had to grip onto the wall for support since I can't walk after last night. I suddenly felt Ralph pick me up in bridal style and bring me back to my room. He then set me down on my bed with a stern but concerned face.

Ralph POV:

I instantly got suspicious. Ever since me and Henry started dating, he always called me 'Ralphie' but after the vomiting incident, he called me by my name, no nicknames or flirtatious sounds, just my name. I looked down at him while he sat on the bed, concerned.

"Henry, what's going on?" I asked him sternly. Henry stayed silent and I saw a few tears run down his cheeks. My stern face then changed to a look of sadness, confusion and concern. I sat beside him on the bed and pulled him on my lap. Henry started crying.

"Shhhh... Henry, baby. I'm sorry, but please tell me what's going know you can tell me anything." I calmly told Henry, he looked at me while crying and now I was really worried.

"P-please don't leave me if I-I tell you what's going on! I don't want to lose you!" Henry choked out through his tears. I kissed his lips with so much love, he kissed back and when we pulled away he finally calmed down. Henry took a deep breath before he spoke.

"R-Ralph...I'm a....herm." Henry told me shyly, with a hint of worry attached to his face. I was actually surprised, but not in a bad way because I actually kind of knew that Henry was a herm, due to the way he acts and looks. He tries to cover that up with his bad boy attitude, but I can see right through all his masks. But why would he ever think I would ever leave him because he's a herm? Its really good news for me because I can start a family with Henry!

"Baby...I actually kinda knew all along that you are a herm, but why would you ever think that I would leave you for that reason?" I asked him, kissing his neck softly to try to get him even more calm. Henry took another deep breath again.

"W-well, as you know I can get p-pregnant...and if you remember co-correctly, that last night you didn't use protection and you came inside me, and you know what happens if you release inside of people who can give birth. Ugh! What I'm trying to say is that....." Henry explained and trailed off at the end, I pieced everything together carefully, then my eyes widened in shock.

"Y-YOUR PREGNANT?!" I said a bit louder than my usual voice. Henry flinched, which I think he took my response as a sign of anger.

"Ralphie! Please don't leave me! I can't live without next to me!" Henry said as he started crying again. I smiled at him and hugged him tightly, I can tell that now he was confused and surprised.

"OH MY GOD! I'm going to be a dad! I'm so happy! Henry, we get to be parents!!! This is the best Christmas Ever! Oh my god! I gotta think of names!" I started ranting and Henry was obviously surprised but the giggled. I pulled back from our hug and kissed Henry's lips passionately. He kissed me back and we started to make out. I gently pushed up both onto the bed and then after some tongue work we pulled away.

"I thought you were going to leave me because I thought you didn't want a child..." Henry revealed sadly. I frowned and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

"I've always wanted a child, baby. I always wanted a family with you...and now I get to have it! And I think our family will be going all happy crazy about this news. And I would never leave you." I reassured Henry and kissed his lips quickly. We smiled at each other and started getting ready for the party.

~27 minutes later~

Henry and I just finished getting ready for the party. We then both went down the stairs, but I kept holding Henry, worried that he would fall. He looked at me shyly and kissed my cheek, then rushed down the stairs to the kitchen where both our families are. As always, Henry was wearing my sweater, but with some denim jeans though. He looks so cute and hot at the same time!

"HENRY! BABY! PLEASE WAIT FOR ME NEXT TIME! You could have slipped and fell!" I started ranting to Henry about safety in front of our families. They all looked at us like crazy idiots and my mom and Henry's mom were already recording. I was still ranting until Henry kissed my lips quickly to shut me up. I immediately went silent and we both heard our families saw 'Awwwww!' I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Everyone, we have something to tell you..." Henry said to everyone. Our families then went silent, everyone but our moms, who looked like they knew what we were gonna say.

"Well boys? What is it?" My dad said. Henry and I took a deep breath, we then looked at each other and counted down. I knew Henry wanted me to tell our family so that is what I'm gonna do 'One, two, three'

"Everyone...Henry is pregnant! With my baby!" I said. Everyone's faces lit up in happiness. My dad and Henry's dad started discussing about building the nursery, my mom and Mrs. Alison started dancing around like maniacs singing 'We're gonna be grandma's! We're gonna be grandma's!'. I facepalmed my face and looked at Peter, who was hugging Henry, but gently though.

"Congrats you two! Finally! I get to be an uncle!" Peter told us while hugging Henry. Then later he hugged me. After Peter let go of me and Henry, my mom and dad and Henry's mom and dad came up and hugged us both. Me and Henry looked at each other and smiled. Our families were very excited about our upcoming child, and we both finally get to have a family together. Everyone was talking about what to name the baby, what they think the gender is, you know, the normal upcoming birth stuff. We were all talking excitedly until we heard the doorbell ring.

"Oh! That must be the guests! Come on everyone! Time to party! AND CELEBRATE!" Peter exclaimed, running to open the door. Everyone, including Henry and I followed Peter to the door. Peter then opened the door and we all saw our friends with their families standing outside our door, bring with them bags of gifts.

'This is the best Christmas ever...'

MY MUFFINS! I missed you all so much! And I'm sorry for leaving you all on a cliffhanger! I promise to post part two of Christmas Party soon! And there also might be some drama soon so stay ready! LUV U ALL BYEEEE!!!!!!!

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