Uncle Yuri and Uncle Victor?

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Third Person POV

Yuri and Victor got married in 2016, after Yuri won gold in the Grand Prix Finals. At the time, Victor has been Yuri's coach (and secret lover). Yuri moved to Russia to be with Victor and the two lived happily.

Fast forward 4 years, Yuri and Victor had returned to Japan to meet up with Yuri's favourite nephew, Hinata Shouyo.


Hinata's mom wasn't expecting anyone, but didn't want to leave whoever was at the door waiting, so she hurried to meet the mystery people.

"Yuri?? Is that you??"

"Hi Mari, long time no see"

Hinata's mom was more than surprised to her younger brother, whom she hadn't seen in years there at her doorstep.

All of a sudden, a familiar silver-headed male appeared from behind Yuri.

"Hello Mari" he said.

Mari let Victor and Yuri in and began bombarding the black-haired male with questions.

"Why didn't you contact me for so long? I haven't heard from you since the wedding" she whined.

"Uhh sorry about that Mari, me and Victor have been...busy" replied Yuri.

"Enough with that..how's my favourite brother-in-law doing?" said Mari as she turned to Victor.

"You flatter me Mari, we have both been doing very well. Yuri and I have both improved on our skating."
replied Victor.

"Thats not the only thing we have improved on-" began Victor before Yuri slapped his hand over him mouth, effectively stopping Victor before he can continue.

Yuri now had a subtle blush on his face due to Victors sudden flirting.

Mari burst out laughing. Mari found Victor and Yuri adorable and even helped out in getting the two of them together. She just wanted her younger brother to be happy. She knew that Victor was the one who made him happy, so she did her best to get them together. It wasn't difficult seeing as though Victor was quite open about his feelings towards Yuri.

"Hey where's Hinata?" asked Yuri.

"Oh he's at a party right now" answered Mari.

"OUR HINATA??" questioned Yuri.

Yuri was worried as he knew how loud and crazy Hinata could get.

"Yuri, if you're so worried, why don't we go crash the party?" said Victor.

"That seems fun, Im sure Hinata would be happy to see you" added Mari.

"But.." began Yuri.

Yuri was quite shy and quiet. The thought of crashing a part scared him.

"High schoolers are scary" continued Yuri.

"It's okay Yuri, I'll be there to protect you. All right, it's settled, Me and Yuri and going to go crash Hinata's party." yelled Victor.

"All right, all right, hold your horses. Let's catch up first. You can go visit him a little later. He told me he was sleeping over, so we have more than enough time." said Mari.

With that Mari went to go pour some tea. The three of them sat and talked about married life. Victor occasionally made dirty comments just to see Yuri reactions. Without fail, every time he did this Yuri turned a dark shade of red.

"oh he's adorable" thought Victor.

— time skip —

Victor and Yuri now stood outside a surprisingly quiet house. The name in the front read "Sugawara".

"Hmm..Sugawara must be one of Hinata's friends"

"Victor i'm getting nervous...maybe we shouldn't"

"Yuri don't you wanna see your precious nephew, Hinata?"

Victor pulled Yuri into a hug and helped him calm his nerves. After being married to him for 4 years, Victor knew exactly what to do when Yuri got like this.

After a while of hugging in the car, Victor stepped out and opened the door for his husband. The two walked to the front door, hand in hand of course.

Victor rang the doorbell and after a few seconds, were greeted by a short male with a strip of blonde hair.

"Hi, is Shouyo here" asked the tallest male.

Before the ice skaters knew what was happening, she short male behaving screaming.


Oh this child seems to have way too much energy for his own good. Thought Victor.

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