Akaashi's Crush

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Akaashi's POV

Yuri and Victor seem like very cool people. Yuri is very shy compared to Victor, but they make an adorable couple. Maybe one day...I could be like them...NO WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING?

Ok nope get back to the game. Tanaka just dared Yuri to chug Alcohol...this isn't looking so good.

After Yuri surprised all of us by chugging it down in less than 20 seconds, Yuri turned to me. Oh shit...

"Akaashi is it"

Crap. They said they have excellent gaydar. Surely..they can't tell about my crush on Bokuto..right?

"Yes, it is"

"Truth or Dare?"

If I say truth, he might ask who my crush is. I can't risk that, so dare is the best option.


"I dare you to kiss Bokuto"

what? WHAT? WHAT??? DID HE JUST ASK ME TO KISS BOKUTO?? Shit my plan backfired.

Ok Akaashi, calm down it's a small kiss. No one will think anything of it.

I turn to Bokuto, who looks just as embarrassed as I am. I reach one of my hands out and gently turn his face towards mine.

I then slowly connect our lips for a good 15 seconds.


That's all I could think of. You'd think that i'd have more to say, seeing as how I've been crushing over my best friend for years now. But nope.

When we released, Bokuto seemed pretty flustered. We both turn back to the circle and are met with smiles and cheers.

"Omg just start dating already!" yelled Kuroo.

"Wait..I don't know if he likes me back-" began Bokuto.


Everyone starts laughing, especially Yuri, who seemed to be a little tipsy.

Bokuto's POV

Yuri just dared to Akaashi to kiss..me?

I've liked Akaashi for god knows how long. I mean come one have you seen him?

But what if Akaashi refuses to kiss me...what if he thinks it's gross...

It's probably true....my crush...is onesided.

Wait...he's coming up to me. Does this mean?

The next thing I felt were a pair of soft lips touching mine. It was like my whole body melted - it felt right.

Ok ok ok calm down Bokuto you just had your first with your crush..haha no big deal. ACT NATURAL. I swear if you say something stupid..

"Oh my god just start dating already!"

"Wait I don't know if he likes me back-"

Am I stupid? Or am I dumb?

Trick question I'm both. I just confessed to Akaashi. INFRONT OF EVERYONE!

I just want to crawl up in a hole and die. You what this is Kuroo's fault for telling us to "date already."

There was no way Akaashi liked me back. To him, I was just an immature child with too many weaknesses. Why why why??

I feel a soft hand of my cheek. Wait - it's Akaashi's!

He began to lift turn my head towards his and...softly placed his lips on mine - for the second time!


I must be dreaming...

When he released he looked at me and said:

"I like you too Bokuto.."


Now everyone, even Tsukkishima was laughing and cheering.

I tackled Akaashi in a hug and we stayed like that for a good minute.

I then looked up at Yuri and was curious as to how he knew.

"How did you know?"

"Oh well..it was pretty obvious. You two kinda remind me of me and Victor when we were younger. When I realized my feelings for Victor, I had no idea what I would do. I saw the way you looked at him Bokuto. Akaashi too. I also caught him staring at you a few times during the game."

Akaashi and I both blushed furiously.

This made Yuri and Victor chuckle.

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