Truth or Dare

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Third Person POV

"It seems like we interrupted something, what were you guys about to do?" asked Victor.

"Oh no worries, we were gonna play Truth or Dare" replied Suga.


The sudden outburst from the shy black-haired male made the others jump.

"Oh sorry.. haha I just really like truth or dare.." said Yuri looking very embarrassed.

"Sure, who wants to start?" questioned Daichi.

"Me! Truth or dare, Victor" asked Noya.


"How long have you two been married?"

"Easy, 4 years!"

Everyone was taken back, except Hinata who had gone to their wedding.

"Why is everyone so surprised" questioned Victor.

"You two look so young..." said Noya.

This made Victor and Yuri start laughing.

"Ok i'm next, Truth or dare...Kageyama" said Victor.

"Uhh... dare"

"I dare tell Yuri who your crush is in his ear"

Kageyama turned very red and quickly yelled: WHAT NO!

"A dare is a dare, King" said Tsukki chiming in.

Kageyama snarled at Tsukki and reluctantly walked over to Yuri.

Kageyama whispered something into Yuri's ear, making sure to be quiet so no one else could hear.

Yuri immediately yelled "I knew it!"

This let Victor know that his hunch was correct.

Kageyama sat back down with a tint of red covering his face. The others burst out laughing at the sight of the cold Kageyama blushing, even in the slightest.

"Ok my turn, truth or dare Yuri" asked Kageyama.


"I dare you to never tell anyone whose name I just said"

"oh fine"

"WAIT NO FAIR" whined Hinata.

"HOW IS IT NOT FAIR BOKE" snapped back Kageyama.

This just made Victor and Yuri laugh even harder.

Suga began to understand what was happening while everyone except Yuri, Victor and Kageyama were sitting there clueless.

"My turn! Asahi, is it?" questioned Yuri.


"Truth or dare?"

"D-are I gue-es.."

"I dare you to hug Nishinoya until your next turn"

Both Asahi and Noya's faces turned red.

Asahi slowly walked up to where Noya was sitting and gently wrapped his long arms around the shorter male.

This made Yuri smile and gave a satisfied thumbs up.

Before they could continue, Victor chimes in saying:

"I should probably let you guys know that I have excellent gaydar"

Yuri smiled and nodded in agreement. This made the others slightly blush.

"Wait what is in the bag" asked Hinata curiously as he pointed to the bag in Yuri's hand.

"'s alcohol" replied Victor with a grin on his face.

"BUT you are all underaged so Victor and I will do the drinking." said Yuri.

Everyone let out a disappointment sigh that made Sugamama hit all of his children on the back of their heads.

"Let's continue, Asahi, it's your turn." said Daichi.

"Oh..ok um Tanaka...Truth or dare?" asked Asahi.


"Ok um I dare you do 50 push-ups"

"C'mon what kind of dare is that?" asked Nishinoya.

Asahi quietly apologized while Tanaka began his pushups.

50 push-ups later, it was now Tanaka's turn to ask.

"Yuri...Truth or Dare" said Tanaka, smirking evilly.


"I dare you to chug half of that bottle down"

"TANAKA!" yelled Sugawara before bonking him on the head.

"That's not a good idea..Yuri can't-"

Before Victor could finish his sentence, Yuri went for the bottle and began chugging. After a mere 20 seconds, half of the bottle was gone.

"handle his alcohol" continued Victor who was now whispering.

"I'm fine...I'm great..lemme ask the next person!" exclaimed Yuri.

"Are you sure, Honey" asked a worried Victor.

"Yep I told you I'm fine... Akaashi, is it? questioned Yuri.

"Yes, it is"

"Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss Bokuto"

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