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Third Person POV

The game continued for another 30 minutes until Daichi mentioned that it was getting late. Suga had invited everyone to sleepover, but some were busy the next morning, so they had to leave. After the majority of people left, the only ones who remained were the ones who had agreed to the sleepover beforehand: Kageyama, Hinata, Daichi and Suga (plus Victor and a passed out Yuri).

"Would you two like to stay overnight?" asked Suga with a bright smile on his face.

"If that will be alright, yes!" replied Victor.

Hinata and Kageyama were still recovering from the lap sitting dare, even though it had been an an hour. Both boys couldn't get the other out of their minds, though neither knew that the other was feeling the same.

"Hmm..I'm gonna get to bed early" yawned Daichi.

"Goodnight Suga...and the rest of you" continued Daichi as he kissed his boyfriend on the cheek.

Daichi then disappeared up the stairs. Victor noticed how Daichi knew exactly where Suga's room was and  let out a chuckle not loud enough for anyone else to hear.

"Where can Yuri sleep?" questioned Victor.

"Follow me" said Suga as he lead Victor with a passed out Yuri in his arms up the stairs.

Suga and Victor returned minutes after to a bickering Kageyama and Hinata.

"Boke you're not supposed to be thinking about volleyball!"

"I knowww but can you toss to me once"


"Oh you're right.."

Suga and Victor chuckle. They continued to watch the two first years from the stairs.

"Are they both this oblivious to their own feelings?" asked Victor.

"Yes..." replied Suga.

"Let's give them a little push!" exclaimed Victor.

"Do you happen to have a closet we can use?" asked Victor with a evil smirk on his face.

The two silver-haired males planned to push the two oblivious first years into a closet until they learned each other's feelings.

"Kageyama? Hinata? Can you come into this room and help us grab some blankets?" yelled Suga from upstairs.

"I'll race you there" said Hinata.

"DEAL" replied Kageyama.

The two younger males sprinted up the stairs and ran into a closet filled with blankets.

"Hahah I win Bakeyama" teased Hinata.

"Shut up Boke!" uttered Kageyama.


The two turned to the door and noticed that it was locked. This was a set up!

"GUYS LET US OUT!" yelled Hinata banging on the door.

"I'm sorry...but i'm giving you two a chance to confess your feeling to each other" revealed Suga.

"It is obvious that you two like each other! So confess and get together! Then we'll let you out" said Victor.

Hinata and Kageyama turned to each other. They were both red seeing as though they were locked in a closet with their crushes.

Kageyama was the first to speak.

" you like me?"

"Here goes nothing...In the beginning i thought of you as a rival - someone to beat. Then we ended up on the same team. At first I learned to tolerate you, but soon we became close friends. I didn't know that I wanted to more than just that until that day. Remember that day you brought me meat buns on my birthday? I hugged you and realized that I wanted to keep on hugging you. I didn't want to let go. That's isn't something you feel for your I knew that I liked you then and there."

Hinata began to say something but before the words could come out he found his lips connected to Kageyama's.

Kageyama carressed Hinata's cheek and continued to kiss him gently.

When they released Kageyama finally said:

" you too boke"

Hinata lit up. His crush said that he liked him back.

"So...can you be my boyfriend?" asked Hinata.

"Y-yes boke" said Kageyama while gently hitting Hinata's head.

Hinata ran into Kageyama's arms. He hugged him tight and before he knew it, Kageyama was hugging back.

Little did they know, Victor and Suga were listening in on the other side.

𝙐𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙂𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙨 | KagehinaWhere stories live. Discover now