Good Night

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Third Person POV

After a few more hours of talking and bombarding Victor with questions about his husband, Suga glanced over at Hinata.

Suga was so immersed in his conversation with Victor that he hadn't noticed the two first years sleeping while leaning on eachother.

"Huh...we should probably get to bed." said Suga.

"I agree! I'm feeling very sleepy myself." added Victor.

The silver-haired males stared at the newly formed couple and turned to each other. They both nodded as if they were thinking the same thing. Without saying anything both of the males took out their phones and began taking pictures of the sleeping first years.

Once the two of them were satisfied, Suga gently shook Kageyama to wake him up. The black-haired male slowly opened his eyes and quickly took in what was happening.

"Why are Victor and Suga staring at me? And what is on my shoulder?" thought Kageyama.

Once Kageyama realized that it was none other than his boyfriend on his shoulder, he turned red and began to shake Hinata awake.

"Boke wake up!" said Kageyama, more harshly than he meant to.

Hinata now moved to rest his head on Kageyama's lap instead of shoulder, all while still asleep.

Suga and Victor smiled at the young boy's action.

"Kageyama, we need to bring you two to the bed so you can sleep in the futons...but it seemed like Hinata does not want to wake up.." began Suga.

"Well I guess Kageyama will have to carry him! I think bridal style will work best!" added Victor with a grin on his face, making Kageyama wonder if he had planned this.

Kageyama slowly nodded and picked up Hinata - bridal style. He followed Suga and Victor as they went upstairs. Suga led them to his guest room, where four futons lay on the ground.

Kageyama walked up to the futon closest to the door and gently placed Hinata down, making sure not to wake him. Yuri was passed out on the futon furthest away, so Victor made his way towards the futon next to his husband. Kageyama settled down in the futon next to Hinata and so Suga left to go to his bedroom (also where Daichi was sleeping).

While Victor was getting himself settled in his futon, a still drunk Yuri woke up and insisted on cuddling with Victor. Victor, who knew he couldn't say no to his adorable husband obliged and slept in the same futon with Yuri.

"We worried about him for no reason. I can tell, he made some good friends." whispered Victor before kissing his husband on the forehead and falling asleep while cuddling the smaller male.

While this was happening, Kageyama tucked Hinata in, making sure a blanket kept him warm before drifting to sleep in his own futon.

"Good night, Hinata."

A/n: That's the end! Hope you liked it. I focused most on Kagehina and Bokuaka because they are my otps :))

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