Yuri! You're Drunk!

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Third Person POV

"It's your turn to ask, Akaashi" said Suga.

Yuri was now passed out beside Victor. He was right about Yuri not being able to handle alcohol.

"Truth or Dare, Suga?" asked Akaashi.


"How long have you and Daichi been dating?"

Everyone except Akaashi, Daichi and Suga let out a surprised gasp.

Victor was surprised at the fact that they were already dating, not at fact that it was the two of them. He already knew Daichi had eyes for Suga.

"Umm...our one year is coming up"


"Yea! We didn't try to hide it.." began Suga.

"We just assumed that you guys knew" continued Daichi.

This made Victor chuckle.

"Can I use your washroom" asked Victor.

"Sure, go through that hallway and it'll be on your right." replied Suga.

"Thank you!"

While Victor was in the washroom, the passed out Yuri woke up and seemed very drunk.

He slowly got up and looked around confused.

"Where's Victor??" asked Yuri as he slurred his words.

"He's in the washroom" answered Hinata with a smile.


Yuri walked up to Hinata and hugged him while playing with his hair.

Everyone began laughing at Hinata, especially Kageyama, who found the sight of Hinata being flustered absolutely adorable.

With that Victor came back and was surprised to see Yuri awake.

"Hi Yuri!" said Victor from behind the circle.

Yuri immediately let go and Hinata and ran towards Victor. While running over, he tripped on the rug and almost fell on his face until Victor caught him.

"Now Yuri this is no good. You're drunk you should go sit down."

Before Victor could say anything else, Yuri grabbed Victor's face and kissed him in-front of the group of teens.

They all laughed and cheered for Yuri. Victor covered Yuri's face with one hand and picked him up with the other. He walked back to the circle and placed Yuri down. As soon as he did this, Yuri went back to sleep.

"Sorry about that...he gets like that when he's drunk" said Victor.

Everyone starts laughing out loud.

"Who was asking last?" asked Kuroo.

"It was me! It's my turn to ask." said Suga.

"Hinata...Truth or Dare?" questioned Suga.

"Hmmm....Dare!" yelled the ball of sunshine.

"I dare you to cuddle with Kageyama until your next turn"


"Very original, Suga" said Noya, who was still cuddling with Asahi.

Kageyama and Hinata were both blushing furiously.

𝙐𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙂𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙨 | KagehinaWhere stories live. Discover now