Victor's Ships

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Third Person POV

Suga and Victor turned to each other and smiled like their ship had sailed.Suga then opened the door to see the two first years hugging.

"Took you two long enough" said Suga with a smile.

Victor was standing behind him with a grin on his face.

"My Hinata is growing up!" exclaimed Victor as he hugged Hinata.

He released him and turned to Kageyama.

"So...Kageyama.." began Victor as he wrapped his arm around Kageyama's shoulder and guided him down the stairs.

Suga and Hinata laughed at the sight of Victor being overprotective.

The four went back down and sat on the couch. Suga and Victor sat on one couch as Hinata and Kageyama sat together.

" better not hurt Hinata" said Victor in full Dad mode.

Victor is generally as nice person, but he can be very overprotective when it comes to people he loves.

"Uh..I won't.." answered Kageyama stuttering.

Everyone burst into laughter, except Kageyama who looked very nervous until he turned to see Hinata smiling like an idiot. This sight alone made him smile.

"Hey..Victor...i'm just curious but were there any other people there that looked like couples to you?" asked Suga.

Kageyama, Hinata and Suga all looked at Victor intrigued.

"Yes! Of course there were! There was a lot more than me and Yuri had expected actually." replied Victor.

"Alright spill!!"

"Well let me start with the current couples. First I saw that calm quiet guy with black hair and the crazy guy with greyish hair coming"

"Akaashi and Bokuto?"

"Yes! Akaashi seemed to be staring at Bokuto and Bokuto seemed to be looking at Akaashi and smiling at random moments."

"Then there was that brown haired obnoxious guy and that the one with spikey hair"

"Oikawa and Iwaizumi!"

"That's it! I didn't notice at first but Yuri whispered to me that they would make a cute couple"

"Then there was Suga and Daichi. Do I even have to explain? Suga, try not to stare at your boyfriend's ass all the time."

Suga turned red while Victor, Kageyama and Hinata all burst out laughing.

"Lastly, there was Kageyama and Hinata. I saw the way Hinata nervously introduced Kageyama. As for Kageyama, I noticed him looking over at Hinata and smiling alot"

Kageyama and Hinata were now the red ones.

"Would you guys like to know my ships?"

"Yess!!" said Hinata.

"Ok there's that tall shy one and the short loud one"

"NISHINOYA AND ASAHI?" asked Hinata.

"Yes I think that was it"

"They're on my team! Nishinoya is the libero while Asashi is the Ace!" said Hinata.

"Me and Daichi were actually thinking about them looking good together" confessed Suga.

"Now that I think about it Asahi is the only one that can calm Nishinoya down" added Kageyama.

Victor chuckle and continued to list his ships.

"The tall rooster looking guy and the one who seemed more interested in his game"

"Kenma and Kuroo?"


"Don't tell Kenma I told you this..but Kenma likes Kuroo" confessed Hinata.

Kageyama and Suga were shocked while Victor sat there smiling.

"Then there was the very tall one with glasses and they shy one with freckles"

"YAMAGUCHI AND TSUKKISHIMA" yelled Hinata jumping up from his seat.

"Yes! Tsukkishima constantly glanced over at Yamaguchi making sure that he was having fun."

"Omgg I would have never seen this coming!" continued Hinata.

"Boke it's obvious!" added Kageyama.

Suga and Victor smiled at the two younger males bickering and smiling.

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