Crashing the Party

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Hinata's POV

After hearing Nishinoya scream, I ran to the door with the rest of the teams and was estatic to see uncle Yuri and Victor.

Before I knew it, I tackled the two of them down in a hug.

I missed both of them so much. They were both busy skating in Russia, so there wasn't anytime to meet up and I didn't want to bother them.

"'ve grown so much" said Yuri.

"You really have" added Victor.

I then released the two of them and looked back up to the teams. Oh yea I should probably explain.

"Oh this is Yuri, my uncle and his husband Victor"

Everyone looked shocked, especially Noya who was slowly regaining consciousness.

time skip —

Third Person POV

Everyone at the party now sat back in the circle they were in before the interruption. However, instead of playing truth or dare, they were more focused on the fact that Hinata's uncle was a world famous skater.

Victor and Yuri sat down between Hinata and Kageyama in the circle.

They began to get bombarded with more questions, Nishinoya asking the most.

"Wait are you the word famous Ice Skater Victor Nikiforov?"


"And you're married to another Skater, Yuri Katsuki"

"Yes indeed"

Nishinoya was fangirling over Victor and Yuri while the others were surprised as to how he knew so much about the two.

"Sorry for crashing the party like this, we just haven't seen Hinata in years and wanted to meet some of his friends" said Yuri in an apologetic tone.

"That's fine! I'm Suga, I'm on the vollleyball team with Hinata. This is a party I threw so that the teams could get a chance to talk"

"This guy seems nice, almost motherly." Thought Victor.

Hinata why don't you introduce the rest of them? asked Suga.

Victor's POV

That Suga guy seemed very nice. I'm glad to see that Hinata has made some good friends.

Hinata became introducing the rest of the members.

Hinata pointed to a guy who looked very intimidating.

"This is Tanaka. He's a second year and a great spiker"


Hmm a spiker, huh? I'm not sure what that means but I think it's best if I just go along with it.

"This is Nishinoya, he's our libero and he's a second year"


He seems to be the passionate type. I like him. Still surprised as to how he knew us, I thought Hinata's friends were all volleyball fanatics.

Hinata then pointed to a very large male who looked older than me.

"This is Asahi. He's a third year and the ace of my team. He might look a little scary but he's a very shy guy"

"H-ello nice time m-eet you.."

Hmm.. he looks like a nice guy. He seems to need more confidence, though.

"This is Daichi. He's a third year and the captain of my team."

"Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you two!"

Daichi..seems like a very calm and collected guy, makes sense that he's a captain.

"This is Kenma, he's on Nekoma team as the setter. He's a second year!"

"Kenma...say hi" added a tall black haired male.


Kenma seems to be more interested in a game than the party. He still looks like a caring kid, so i'll let it slide.

"This is Kuroo, he's Nekoma's captain and an third year."


Kenma seems to listen to Kuroo. He seems caring. Captain material...or they might be in a different kind of relationship....

"This is Yamaguchi! He's a middle blocker on my team and has a killer float serve! He's also a first year like me!"


Yamaguchi seems to also lack confidence, but Hinata  thinks highly of him, so he must be a good guy. He also looks very kind - the exact opposite of the guy sitting next to him.

"This is Tsukkishima, he's a middle blocker on our tema and always salty for reason at all"

"Shut up shorty!"

Tsukki seems to lack motivation. He doesn't look approachable at all, but the way he looks at Yamaguchi makes me think that he has a soft side.

"This is Oikawa, he's the setter and captain of Aoba Joshai!"


He seems like the working-hard type. I'd bet he would bring out the best of his team as captain.

"Beside him is Iwaizumi, a wing spiker from the same team."


He seems to very close to Oikawa. He also looks sorta intimidating..



Hinata speaks very highly of him...but he does seem a tad immature.

"This is Akaashi! He's the setter for Fukurodani!"

"Hello, I apologize for Bokuto-san's loudness."

Hmm..I see. He's the one that keeps Bokuto in check.

"umm..this is Kageyama...he's a um setter on my team. He's a first year.."

Me and Yuri immediately turn to each other and smile.

I can already assume some things about Kageyama and Hinata's relationships...

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