Team Bonding

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Third Person POV

At the party

After a training camp, the teams that were supposed be rivals became very close. Although on the court, they were rivals, outside of the court, they were all really good friends.

One day, Suga (or what Karasuno calls him, Sugamama) asked if anyone wanted to have a sleepover party at his house. His parents were away for a few days, and he wanted certain members of his team to become more social (cough cough Kageyama), he sent a message to their Volleyball Group-chat.

Volleyball Hoes

Suga: Hey guys, does anyone want to come to a sleepover party at my place this Saturday?


Tanaka: YESS

Asahi: That sounds like fun

Yams: SURE!!! Count me and Tsuki in!

Hinata: Yesss but can i bring my volleyball?

Suga: No... this is to get away from volleyball, Hinata

Hinata: Alright fine

Kags: Do you have milk?

Suga: Yes!

Kags: Ok i'll come

Daichi: I'll come to help you handle Noya and Tanaka


Noya: HEY!

Kuroo: I asked my team, no one replied to me :(

Kuroo: Don't worry, I'm gonna drag Kenma with there with me

Suga: Perfect!


Akaashi: Bokuto must you do that everytime you say hello?

Bokuto: Yep

Bokuto: Most of my team was busy, but me and Akaashi will come!

Suga: Yesss

Oikawa: Me and Iwa-chan are coming!

Iwazumi: Wait shittykawa I never agreed to that

Oikawa: You're so mean Iwa-chan ;(

Suga: Iwaizumi, i'm gonna need you're help to control everyone

Iwaizumi: Alright fine

Suga: Okay, good

Suga: So the people who are coming are: Hinata, Kageyama, Noya, Tanaka, Asahi, Yamaguchi, Tsukkishima, Daichi, Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, Iwaizumi and Oikawa?

Daichi: Seems about right

Suga: All right, this is gonna be fun!

[a/n: can you see the ships? ;)))))]

flash forward to the actual party —

Nishinoya and Tanaka were making a mess everywhere. Luckily, Suga was prepared for this. To help shut the two second years up, he offered that all them played a game of truth or dare.

Nishinoya and Hinata were literally jumping at the idea and soon everyone (even Tsukki after some encouragement from Yams) was sitting there ready to start.

Before they could start, the doorbell rang.

Everyone who said they were coming was already there, so they had no idea who could be at the door.

Before anyone could say anything, Nishinoya got up and sprinted towards the door.


"Man, he has way too much energy for his own good"

A few seconds after Nishinoya ran to the door, he screamed. This spooked the volleyball players and they all ran to the door to see what was causing this ruckus.

As soon as they got there, they were greeted by a good looking male with silver hair and another smaller male with black hair.

"VICTOR NIKIFOROV AND YURI KATSUKI" yelled Nishinoya before fainting into Asahi's arms.

Before any of them could process what was happening, Hinata tackled the two men down in a hug.

"Uncle Yuri, Uncle Victor...what are you two doing here"


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