Months Passing..

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It had been several months since the Paladins started their journey across the universe, on their say back to earth.

Adam was getting restless, and so was Shiro. It didn't take this long to get up in space, why is it taking so long to get back?

Maybe it's because the Paladins were in the far stretches of the universe? Or maybe they were going slow on purpose. Who knows.

Of course, the other Paladins were upset too. But, they were getting closer. Coran kept reassuring then about that. They could practically see the Milky Way from the castle.

The Paladins were making good use of their time without responsibilities, though.

Keith and Lance spent most of their time together, talking about memories, and playing Monsters & Mana with Coran and Allura. Pidge decided that they should make robots in the new time that they have.

Hunk cooked and baked, like always. And Shiro, he spent every hour of every day talking to Adam.

That had become the new normal of the castle. Everyone would wake up, do their things, then eat and go to bed. It was a cycle that wouldn't end until they returned to earth.

The Lions regularly went unnoticed, but occasionally, the Paladins would take them out for rides around space for a few hours, so that the Lions wouldn't collect dust.

Sometimes, the Paladins even thought of going home in the Lions, since they would be much faster. But, Shiro had to tell them that they couldn't just leave Allura and Coran out in the middle of space. Even if Shiro was always the one who wanted to ride home.

And back on Earth, Adam was trying to balance his life and talking to Shiro. Fortunately, the Garrison had a summer break soon. They would be out of school, and Adam could stop being so stressed all the time.

Even Adam's students caught on to what was going on. There were rumors, and there were people who were happy for Adam. Some students even planned a 'Welcome Back' party for their favorite teacher.

On earth, it seemed as though everyone was waiting for the Paladins.

Lance's family were partying almost every day, in celebration of their little Sharpshooter.

Hunk's family were constantly bringing food to everyone. They were so happy that Hunk was returning.

Pidge's mother, father, and brother were always checking radars, to check if the castle was getting any closer.

In their own ways, everyone was preparing for the Paladin's return. They were the protectors of the universe, after all. It was natural for people to be excited.

Everyone was excited. But, months were passing. And people weren't going to stay this excited for long.

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