On Earth At Last!

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It had been exactly one month since we last checked up on the Paladins. And in that time, they had made it to earth.

Somehow, everyone was still incredibly excited. They had waited so long, peepared so much, and they were ready to see their families.

"Look! There's a huge empty space that we can land the castle on!" Lance practically screamed. Everybody on the ship could hear him.

"Thank you Lance." Allura said, as she ran over to the control panel to guide the ship.

"Pidge! Can you help me with packing my stuff?" Keith called for Pidge from his room.

"Coming!" Pidge screamed, as they ran towards Keith's room.

Hunk walked into the control room, holding a plate of brownies. "Who's hungry? I made brownies."

Everybody ran to grab a brownie, and then ran back to what they were doing

Shiro sat in his room, rolling his promise ring in his fingers. Shiro was the most excited, of course. However, he needed to stay calm. He wasn't sure how long he had been in space. He wasn't sure how many years had passed on earth.

Shiro knew one thing though. Adam was waiting. He was still waiting, even after all this time.

On Earth, Adam watched this.. thing.. decend from the sky. Adam thought it looked like a castle, like the one Shiro talked about, but he wasn't sure. It didn't look threatening, though.

Summer had come by now, causing all the students and teachers to return to wherever they lived before.

But, the Paladins family members were all still waiting. They hadn't gone far. They didn't want the Paladins to come without a welcome!

When the castle finally landed, the paladins greeted their respective families. Keith just followed Lance.

It was like a reunion. After all, it had been a long time since they were all on the same planet.

But when Shiro saw Adam.. it wasn't like a reunion. It was like they were meeting for the first time. Like they were back in the Garrison, as students.

It was like they fell in love once again.

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