── ꒰ 𝐬. 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 ꒱

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You were in the library. Reading a (f/g) novel. It was very interesting. "That seems like a very interesting book to you..." You hear a kind, male voice say. It startles you. "S-sorry, I-i didn't m-mean to startle you..." He stumbles across his words. You look up to see, it's a blue haired boy. You smile at him. "It's fine" He takes the seat beside you. "What kind of book is that?" He asks and takes a closer look at the book. "It's a (f/g) novel!" You talk about books for a while, until the daily announcement comes in.

"Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m.

As such, it is officially nightime.

Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited.

Okay then... sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite..."

And so, you and the boy parted our ways to our dorms. And that's when you remembered you forgot to ask him, his name. You thought about just asking him tomorrow, if you meet each other again.

The next day, you wake up to Monokuma's morning announcement. You yawn and get dressed fastly. You're in a killing game, so you don't have classes. You reach the library, hoping to could read in silence. When you get inside, you see the blue haired boy, already sitting and reading a book of his own.

"Hi again" You say when you confront him. "O-oh, hi" He stumbles over his words again. You chuckle and sit down next to him. Placing your books on the table, you ask him, "what are you reading?" "A m-mystery novel..." It seems like he's nervous. "I'm y/n l/n, the ultimate (y/t)!"

You say and reach out your hand for him to shake it. He does and introduces himself. "I'm Shuichi Saihara, the ultimate detective..." He hides under his hat. "it explains, why you were so engrossed in that book" you take a curios look at him. He peeks out from his cap and see you looking at him, hiding under his hat again. You chuckle. "There's nothing to worry about, I won't kill you or anyone!" You smile wide. He looks at you and lets out a small sigh. A smile peeking on his face.

It's been a few days, since you and Shuichi became friends. A few people have died. Executions and murders. It's sad to think about. You just finished another class trial, and it was tearing you up inside. To see kind-hearted people, be executed in front of yourself.

You ran back to your dorm. Locking yourself inside. You sat on the bed, already feeling the tears, streaming down. A knock. Then two. "W-who's there?" Your voice was trembling. "It's me, Shuichi" you heard the familiar male voice say. "C-can I come in?" Hearing him stutter, made you happy. You got up to open the door. He came directly in and sat on your bed. Closing the door and slowly walking closer to him, you saw his worried look. He gestured for you to sit on his lap. His cheeks a slight tint of pink, but he didn't mind.

You sat on his lap and he comforted you. He played with your hair and let you talk about it. You had your chin on his shoulder, in some kind of hug and you couldn't stop crying. Even though feeling his warm embrace, was some kind of a comfort to you. His shoulder was soaking wet. You pulled out from the hug, looked away and dried away the tears with your sleeve. Shuichi saw you shivering and quickly took off his jacket. You look at him surprised, your cheeks getting hotter. It turned out, he was just lending you his jacket, because he saw you were cold. "Do you wanna go for a walk?" He looked worried at you. You nod and you walked around the school.

Shuichi and you were sitting at a bench, under a tree. You were tired, after the long walk and soon you fell asleep on Shuichis shoulder.

Monokuma's morning announcement woke you up. You were in ... a boys dorm? It didn't look like your dorm. You looked around to see Shuichi laying in a pile of pillows and blankets on the floor. He didn't wake up from the morning assignment. You yawned and got up. Apparently, you were only wearing Shuichi's jacket and some pajamas short. When you realized, your cheeks flushed to a darker shade of red. Shuichi yawned and sat up in his little blanket kingdom. "Good morning y/n" Your cheeks were completely red and you were so confused. You were unable to talk. Shuichi looked at you, when you didn't reply to his greeting. You buried your face in his jacket. Shuichi noticed your red cheeks and began blushing himself.

"I'm s-sorry..." He mumbled, hiding under his own hat. You smiled behind his jacket. A small chuckle slipped out. Shuichi knew it was you, and then smiled. His cheeks only pink now. You smiled at his reaction, and found comfort in it. It didn't matter that a boy had changed your clothes, as long as it was Shuichi. "y/n, can I tell you something?" You nodded. Quite surprised.

"I-i love you y/n..." This time, you didn't chuckle. You may have found his shyness cute, but this sudden confession made you stunned. Someone so kind, shy and grateful, like Shuichi could have these kind of feelings, towards you.

❝ 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐲/𝐧? ❞

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