Chapter 6 - City of art

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This chapter is dedicated to martingarrix, who's pretty much the reason why this story even exists. Thank you for the inspiration ♡

Janes POV

First thing I immediately noticed about Amsterdam are some of the unusual apartments, this special architecture that you don't see everywhere. You could literally describe them as slim, long and colorful. They're now about 300 years old and is build on sand. Yes, I watched some documentaries.

Ewe and me managed to check in the hotel (which is fancy as hell, I don't know why she picked it) since we could explain our little accident this morning quite convincing. We decided not to do anything this day except for taking a small walk through the city so that we already check all the stores Amsterdam may have. We still have to figure out how we'll survive this trip with that small amount of money. That's like the bad side of all this.

It's unbelievably hot here today and the streets are filled with a lot of people, who seem to be tourists aswell. Mostly they're riding on bikes, like the whole city is 60% filled with bikes and the air is so chill.

Ewe and me bought some straciatella ice cream and just sat on the paseo right beside the river, where people usually seem to spend their brakes since there are so many. It is truly amazing how I already feel the warm and welcome atmosphere. It's busy here, yet very peaceful. You can clearly see that this is a city of art. Graffitis and big paintings on walls, colorful and crazy buildings, the beauty of nature involved as the centre of it.

"Jane, look!" - Ewe was bumping my shoulder. She pointed on a little boat that looked a bit different than others. You could actually see through the windows it has. It's so clear, that it's possible to even read the titles of books the owners have on their shelfes. Turns out that it's a boathouse and that people actually live in there, since you can see 2 little boys playing on the ground with action figures.

"Omg, do people seriously live in there? I mean, you can like watch them by doing anything"- Ewe said in disbelief, still staring through the window.

"I guess they don't really care"- was my answer and I can't believe myself how unique this place might be just now.

Later that day:

The weather is still sunny and warm, though the clouds start to build up and cold wind appears every few seconds, so that it's a preparation for a rainy evening. All we did was sitting on benches and paseos, just staring at the people and things, not really believing that this is actually happening. We totally understand why we wanted to be here so bad and I'm more than grateful that she managed it all so well.

So Ewe and me were heading to the hotel slowly and the lights everywhere look crazy. It's so pretty, I can just talk about this all day.

I am so happy. I am so, so happy, and I know that they are too.. I can feel their smiles on me and the ache in my chest starts to build up.

As soon as I cover my face with my hands, Ewe noticed it and placed her arm on my shoulder, giving me a kiss on my cheek that catched a tear.

"Don't cry Jane, they're happy, I know that."- she said and I immediately smiled towards her.

"You know, I miss them so much"

We both arrived at the hotel entrance as she was searching for the room-card.

"And they are proud of you no matter what my love" - I hugged her and we both headed to our room.

The hotel is so exclusive, I really feel not in place because I'm more of a 'normal' person and I never needed all this fancy stuff that people are trying to achieve. All I want is just to be safe and be happy, which I still have to work on, but it will be fine as long as Ewe is by my side.

She booked a room for two with two beds and I picked the one beside the balcony. The view from here is just beautiful since we're pretty high.

We started to unpack our things while "we were young" by SRTW was playing and of course, it lasted hours because me and Ewe are always doing weird stuff and dance to good music and it was even more appropriate when I noticed that Ewe brought 2 suitcases with her, but it doesn't really suprise me that much. She's a trendy bitch, just a total difference to me.

As soon as we finished, I jumped on my bed (damn it was so exhausting), with the notebook in my hand. I opened it and stopped at this one special page.

Julian.. his name is really beautiful. I'm surprised about his handwriting, because I don't know any boy or man who writes so clearly and pretty. He does, and this makes me laugh. I mean, I am probably the only girl on earth that is fascinated by nice handwritings, which is embarrassing and weird.

Ewe caught me daydreaming and threw her little pillow right in my face which scared me to death and I almost fell out of my bed.


"If you would've just answered my question that I asked you like 394 times now then I wouldn't do that you little daydreaming shit." - she answered and I immediately blushed.

"What are you reading anyway?" She asked and I couldn't help but smile towards her.

"Well, it's only the guy's number"

"Oooh right! Will you call him today?" - Let the annoying questions begin.

"Well.. no, this would be a bit awkward to call someone the same day. What did you talk about at the airplane though?"

Ewe started to laugh which made me want to throw the pillow back to her but I just decided to let her be and wait for the answer instead.

"Oh well, he was asking about you some things" - she said and now I wanted to know everything. I moved my head towards her and gave her a questionable look.

"Just some basic stuff like what your name is and where we are from, you know. Nothing special." - she smiled and continued.

"He also invited us to a show he'll play tomorrow with a friend, hopefully he's hot. And yes, we're going. No excuses Jane Austen."

Okay so this is probably going to be in a club since Ewe already decided to go there with me no matter what. I love festivals, I love EDM-music, but going to clubs is not really my kind of thing. I don't enjoy dancing in a room filled with super drunk people and being grabbed by thirsty guys every 5 minutes.

"Wait, is he a DJ or what?" - I asked as I totally realized what she actually said. Oh my God.

"Yeah I guess, his artist name is Julian Jordan, we have the VIP tickets. There is going to be another guy with him, I don't remember his name though. Something with M, I don't know."

And this is where it all began.

Okay so first I wanted to thank you guys so so so SOOO much for your support. I am really so grateful and try to make this story as good as possible!!
Also, I'm currently not at home and I won't be until the 10th of January, which means that I will not be able to post as often as I used to. I'll try to post every week though, so don't worry :D
I love you all so much, thank you again!!!

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