Chapter 1 - Surprise

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Hey guys!!
After spending hours on reading fanfictions of the one and only Martin Garrix, I decided to give it a try and create my own point of view. I hope you'll like it!
Warning: Boring chapter, I guess.

Jane's POV:

Laying in bed all day must be one of the greatest things in this world. Like, you do nothing. You just relax and have a great time while mostly watching TV and eat some cornflakes. This is my perfect day. It has been like this the past 3 months or so.

I'm laying here and start to think about a few things. Wow, it's so sunny, the birds are singing, the sweet summer breeze is floating through my room. I simply want to die.

I get this ache in my chest and I feel like crying, but there are no tears showing up. Guess I've been overusing them lately, there are none left. Oh well, let's look at the clock: it says 3 AM, but it's so bright outside, the clock is obviously not right. Screw it, I don't need to know it anyway since I'll most likely spend the rest of my life in my apartment and nothing else matters anymore. Except for my bed.

After staring awkwardly at the wall for the next 10 minutes, I decided to get up and eventually get my shit together. I just remembered that Ewe was going to visit me in a few, so maybe I should at least clean the apartment a bit.

Ewe is my too much attractive best friend. A very funny and yet so amazing woman. She is 19 and I know her since year 2. She is so important, even her photo is beside my bed, that is the most important thing of all, so that must have a huge meaning right?

As I was walking towards the bathroom, I passed by my mirror, but I was too afraid to look at it. I actually have a clue how I might look like right now. I can literally feel the black circles underneath my eyes and my hair is pointed in every direction, so there's no need to eventually get a bigger shock than it already is. If people would see me now, they would probably think that I'm a meth addict. Very strange that I'm not already one though.

As I finally reached the bathroom, I noticed that I wasn't here for like 2 days.

I let the water fall and started to get undressed.

The shower feels good actually. It's like everything is washed away and you're a new person. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't here for a long time now and I've missed it. Maybe I should make something out of myself today? Maybe I should put on the new clothes that I bought like a week ago? I guess I'll see how the day will turn out.

As soon as I finished to shower I heard a very loud and annoying buzzy sound that appeared a few steps away. Oh, Ewe is here! Finally I have a reason to be happy.

I wrapped the towel around my body and hurried to the door. I was looking through the spy and noticed the most beautiful thing in this world, my lovely Ewe.

:"Jaaaane! My God, it's so good to see you again. How have you been?"

I hugged her and couldn't feel better at the moment. It's amazing how much happiness a person can bring in your life just by being themselves. She looks gorgeous, as always. Long brown hair, big brown eyes, wonderful face. She is always on top, wears amazing clothes. I love the way she's smiling right now.

":Oh well, fine I guess. Just took a shower"

"No shit"- Oh she's so right.

Ewe and me walked towards the living room. It doesn't really look that bad as I thought it would be. She sat on the couch as I decided to make us some coffe.

:"So Jane, what have you been doing? We didn't see each other for a week" - she asked from the living room as I was about to take the coffe.

Well, what have I done the whole week? I think it was nothing. Oh right, my bed, I almost forgot.

": Well, nothing special actually.." I answered and hoped she won't give me any life lessons as always. I love her, but please no life lessons. I know I shouldn't be able to make decisions by myself anymore, but please, just no.

I put the coffe on the small table in front of the couch and was about to change into some clothes.

:"What do you mean with nothing special? Jane.. for God's sake, you can't do 'nothing special' for the rest of your life. It has been like that since like 4 months."

:" 3!" - I shouted from my room while putting on tight jeans and yes, it's very tiring to put them on.

:"It doesn't matter, it's still a long time. Now come here I have some news for you!" - she said with a small laughter at the end. That's Ewe. She is full with surprises.

After I put on a grey hoodie that was just hanging in my closet doing nothing productive for a long time, I joined the living room. I sat down on the carpet and took a sip from the coffe I made. Black.

:"I see, so what news you got?"- I asked her while watching her with bored eyes. I was just used to her 'news'.

She was smiling towards me because she knows exactly what I'm thinking right now.

:"Well, you've been stuck here for 29593 years now without going anywhere. So I wanted to try something out that will be a lot of fun for you and for me." - she explained, still smiling towards me. I wonder what it'll be this time. The last time she tried to get me out of this apartment was, when she decided to take me on a blind date. Trust me, it was just a huge mess and it just went wrong.

I looked at her and my eyebrows were high. A small 'aha' slipped through my lips.

:"OK so listen Jane. I know the reason why you're like that and I'd love to kill him, but.."

:" So you decided to buy a sniper and blow up his head? Oh Ewe you're so sweet, thank you! I knew I can always count on you." - I interrupted sarcastically while still sipping on the pure black coffe. Ewe let out a sigh and an annoyed look, but continued her 'news'.

":No. But I got something better love. Do you remember your biggest dream that you had since years?"- She said while smiling bright.

:" Wanting to die? Oh yes I remember." - I just had to, sorry. I could literally feel the burn from Ewe's eyes on mine.

:"Stop Jane, please. You're ruining it." - she begged so I decided to behave myself and actually take it all serious. I gave her the look that means that she can start now without a doubt.

:"Okay. So.. you remember, you and me, how we were at the big EDM festival one year ago? And do you remember what we were talking about the night after?" - She said and brought me into the deepest thoughts. Big City Beats World Club Dome, one of the biggest festivals in Europe. That was beyond amazing, I enjoyed every second of this amazing experience. Oh I wish I could go there again now. Ewe and me went to my old house after the last festival night and layed on the bed while talking about all this. I remember how she said :"Oh I wish we would go to this city one day and eventually have the greatest time of our lifes."

After dreaming I nodded my head and she took a deep breath. Oh God, this must be something big. She's basically preparing herself for this.

:"Good.. you know, I was checking some flights and stuff.. and Jane, you and me will leave tomorrow, we both will go to Amsterdam for 3 weeks!"


hey guys! This was the first chapter :) I hope that you like it ! I had so much fun while writing this. Tell me what you think about it ! See you soon again :)

Song for this chapter: SRTW - We were young (Sascha Kloeber Remix)

For those who may be grammar nazis (my boyfriend is) : I'm a girl from Germany, could be that there are some mistakes so I'd like to apologize for it!
Lots of love

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