Chapter 7 - All night

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Quick note: Hello my beautiful people. I can't explain why it's been so long, but I've missed you all and I've missed writing this story sooo bad. I will try my best to make it as magical for me as it was back then and hopefully I can write this story with as much passion as I used to. Love you all so much, have fun with the next chapter <3

Not even ten minutes have passed and I already fell asleep with the notebook on my face. It was such a turbulent and exciting day for me and Ewe so that my energy was used out completely. We woke up around 10 am, by the beautiful Amsterdam sun kissing us all around. I got up slowly looking out of the hotel window and I still couldn't believe my luck in bad luck. Breathing heavy in trance I turned towards Ewe still laying in bed, smirking to me with her cute face.

"Did you sleep well little daydreaming shit?" - Ewe said and it wasn't unexpected at all that's why I love her

"I actually did you sneaky bitch, hope you didn't" - I respond throwing a pillow towards her which made her laugh out loud

"Julian and Jaaaane sitting on the treee"

"Ewe is jealooous cause she's not as hot as meee" - we sang and noticed that we're awkward best friends but that's what keeps us so tight.
I got out of bed opening my suitcase and collecting my fresh clothes so that I can go and take a shower already, still thinking about what just happened yesterday for some reason.
Ewe doesn't look like she wants to get up, she always needs some 30 more minutes to check her social media.

"So, are you excited to see your good handwriter tonight?" - She asked with a smile

I rolled my eyes and said: " Are you going to bring this up for the rest of my life now or will you just let me go take a shower already?"

She just laughed about it, I don't care and just did what I have to do.
The water drips on my whole body and it feels refreshing. "Nightventure" by Arno Cost is playing in the background (because I always get ready with my phone) and my happiness is rising since I am in Amsterdam (can you believe it?) and tonight is going to be special, I feel it deep in my bones. I'm already making plans on what to wear because I'm not really a stylish person, or at least I don't own clubbing outfits, I'm more of an bohemian, the hippie girl next door.
When I left the shower, Ewe already got out of bed and started to dress up, we're going down for breakfast.


The food was beyond delicious and we already had something dutch for breakfast, stroopwafels ( caramel waffles ).
The weather is surprisingly good, sun is shining 24/7 and there's no single cloud, even though my phone says that it's going to rain all day. Is it a sign that all will turn out well today? But I've learned not to trust my phone, if you remember the little accident when it didn't woke us up for the flight *sighs*.
I am obviously very nervous and I think that people are noticing it, I don't care though. This is my time, this trip will save my life and it starts amazing. It's kinda awkward though, I only saw him once in a plane and still I'm acting like we're about to trade wedding rings, lmao.

Ewe and me decided to take another walk through Amsterdam and check it out a little bit more. We passed through the club were Julian is going to play tonight with his friend so that we don't have to search for it later and for some reason I unexpectedly have a bad feeling about this, I can't tell the reason but it feels weird somehow. If there's one thing that I can trust about myself, then it is my feeling. If I feel uncomfortable about something, it usually doesn't turn out well, just like it was that one night a few months ago..
But let's not talk about it, why would it be bad anyways, it's just a night out in the club right?
After Ewe and me walked around for hours and had another straciatella ice cream sitting by the canals, we were slowly heading back to the hotel.

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