Chapter 4 - One moment

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Janes POV:

"fuck" - was the first thought I had as soon as I woke up.

My head hurts so much it literally feels like it's going to explode any minute. My eyes are still closed because I'm kind of scared where I even am. I decided to run my hands searching for the objects that lay beside me. Okay, it feels hard, I guess that I'm laying on the ground. The floor is vibrating, there is going to be an earthquake for sure. I mean,we're in Germany.

"Jane, could you please turn off your alarm clock or else I'm going to throw it out the window. Thanks."

Oh, it's just my phone. My eyes are opening slowly and it's bright as hell.

I noticed a Hugo bottle laying right in front of my face and there's a slightly feeling in my stomach that I'm going to vomit any moment. I will never ever ever drink again, I promise mom.

"Jane for God's sake, turn it off"- Okay it's only Ewe, I'm safe.

My hands are searching for the shitphone and it looks like I'm making an Angel in the snow. Oh I miss these days.

"Ewe, I can't find it, sorry. And my head is a ticking bomb." - I said while not moving, my eyes are closed again.

A loud 'BOOM' appears and I know that it's poor Ewe falling out of my bed, who's also having a hangover and trying to stop the earthquake.

"Where is this stupid asshole cunt Phone Jane I'm freaking out" - she growls and lays beside me. Kids don't do drugs, at least don't overdose.

I got a feeling like in a trance. One second I'm asleep and in the other I'm suffering.

I could just lay here for the rest of the day and think about how bad alcohol is.

Ewe is a true fighter since she didn't give up already on searching for this mobile and crawls through the whole floor on her fours.

After a minute that feels like a decade, the annoying sound stopped.Thank God, now I can fall asleep in peace.

"FUCK, JANE!! WAKE UP!!" - Oh no my head, please stop this!!

"Ewe what the hell I'm dying and you're screa.." I got interrupted by another shout.


Can someone please lend me a gun because I want to kill myself now officially.

As soon as I heard this I immediately got up from the hard ground. No!! This can't be true!!

I ripped my phone out of Ewe's hand and looked at the clock. It's fucking 8 AM. I hate my phone so much, it's obviously his fault.

I'm looking over to Ewe, hoping that she's not going to freak out even more.

"Jane.. why does your phone rings AT 8AM COULD YOU PLEASE EXPLAIN CUZ" - Oh shit I better fix it fast or else there's not only going to be an earthquake, the whole world will break into pieces

I still look at her with a poker face, my lips are pressed in a line. No.. I feel so bad now because it's my fault. I came up with that brilliant idea to drink the night before we're leaving.

"Ewe I'm so sorry, I don't even know what to say.. how much time do we have?" - I said in a calm voice trying to save the world

"10 minutes Jane. 10 minutes to be on the plane. Ah, fuck all this."- she responses and I feel like she's going to cry.

"..I guess.. that we won't make it.." - it was not even a whisper.

"And what now? We have to check in at the hotel at 10. We can forget everything now Jane."- she said and now my head hurts even more than it did before. I'm seriously not allowed to live on my own.

After standing awkwardly being watched by the burning eyes of Ewe, I decided to sit on the bed and figure out a solution.

"you know, I have a car..we can drive with it, it's only 4 hours from here" - I said as the horrible memories started to come up again and the tears are halfway there.

Ewe noticed it and hugged me asap.

"No Jane, we won't.. I don't have a license and I can't let you do that. Let's not think about it now. We'll find another way"

"Let's just drive to the airport and see how much the last minute tickets cost. That's the only thing that may solve it"


The airport in Frankfurt is so big, it's seriously confusing considering that I've never been in one before.

Ewe is talking with an employee so I decided to take this as an opportunity to check myself in the mini mirror. Yuck.

My dark blonde hair is pointed in every direction and my face is pale so I look like dead. A bun and some blush are the last hope.

"230 euros for us both, how should we manage it?" - she said with a slightly annoyed tone. 230.

I only have 150.

"How much do you have? Because got this" - I said while showing her my purse with an angry look. This is a great start I guess.

She's searching for something in her bag and takes out 2 100 euro bills that she's waving in front of my face. A small smile appears on her face

"This is awesome, but how are we going to survive 3 weeks in Amsterdam with 120 euros?" - I asked with a sigh.

"Come on we'll find a way. You don't seriously want to blow this all up now do you?" - the face she makes brings me to laugh and as soon as she laughs back I hugged her very tight.

"I'm so sorry Ewe, you now have a reason to hate me constantly"

She gave me a small kiss on the cheek and said: "Even if you kill someone I won't hate you"


Airplanes are scary. How is it possible that a huge machine like this can fly? It's like me dealing with life. No explanation how it even works.

There are so many people and I'm happy to finally sit and concentrate on the stewardess giving some life-saving lessons.

Ewe is already talking with someone who sits beside her and I'm pissed as hell because she forced me to sit by the window even though she knows how much I'm scared of flying and it's all just because she can have a nice conversation with a guy. Thank you so much Ewe, I know now how much you love me.

As soon as the plane starts to move, I feel like I'm going to freak out any minute.I decided to check the time when we'll land.

One hour. Great.

As soon as the plane leaves the ground my fear is rising from 1 to 100000 so that I had to grab Ewe's hand. My eyes are closed and I think that the alcohol goes his way back outside soon.

The two stopped talking and I squeezed her hand even more.

The plane doesn't shake that much now so I guess that we're on the top.

I tried to open my eyes slowly again as I noticed that this hand I'm holding is not even Ewe's hand. It's the guys one.

He looked at me with a questionable look and oh God, his eyes have a pure ocean blue color.

"Uhm.. are you okay there?" - he said and I feel like praying for the plane to crash so that I don't have to end my life by myself because of all the awkwardness that is floating here right now. My cheeks immediately turn into a tomato-reddish tone.

"Ee..eeeeh.. yes. Yes, thanks for letting me hold your hand." - SERIOUSLY JANE, THANKS FOR LETTING ME HOLD YOUR HAND?

Please don't think that I'm a retard, please don't.

"Yeah.. No problem, it was a pleasure, it just hurt a bit" - he said and a cute little crooked smile appeared on this too-handsome face he has.

so this was the 4th chapter guys, I hope that you liked it!
Also thank you so much for so many visitors!!
I can't even handle my feels

I love you already


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