Chapter 3

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Billy's POV

"Hey, Billy . . ." Chad says awkwardly as he approaches me.

"Chad." I nod stiffly, trying to hide my disgust.

He kissed my sister and I know all the gory details. How else can I look at him?

I like him and he kissed my sister! Ok so I know I brought this on myself because I practically pushed them together but now that they've actually taken their relationship to the next level, I don't like the idea of them together. I never did but I pushed through it, knowing how much my sister likes him and wanting her to be happy.

I swallow the bile that reached my throat and search my blazer pocket for my packet of watetmelon gum. I find it, take out a peice and pop it into my mouth.

"Want one?" I offer Chad, holding the gum out.

I guess I'll just have to learn how to live with the fact that soon Bea and Chad will become an official couple.

"Don't mind if I do." An unfamiliar husky voice answers, taking the whole packet of gum from my hand.

"Uh-" I am about to look at the thief but Chad cuts me off, rolling his eyes at something on my side and grabing my arm gently so that I will look at him.

"Never mind him. Why weren't you at the party last night? I mean I know you were occupied but-" Chad says the word 'occupied' as though it tastes bad on his tongue.

"Yeah why didn't you come to my party? What were you occupied with? Do-" the guy next to me intervenes.

I feel like giving him a smack. I don't even know him and he's joining in on our conversation. Who does he think he is?

Wait. Did he just say 'my party'? As in his? As in he is Chad's mysterious brother, oh now I definitly want to see his face.

I turn my face to the side but Chad catches my chin in his hand, making me look into his amazing blue eyes.

"Don't look at him." He tells me but all I can focus on is the fact that Chad is touching me.

Oh no, I think I'm going to hypervenerlate.

Breathe, I tell myself, unable to pry my eyes away from his.

Seth's POV

I stare at them in horror.

I don't even know why I came over here. Did I just come over to watch to watch them drool over each other?

No way, I am out of here.

Yet still I stay rooted in place. Something about the two of them together, staring at each other like this doesn't feel right. I feel like ripping him off her. I don't like it that he's touching her. I don't like the way she's looking at him.

I restrain myself.

Something inside me tells me that she should be looking at me like that, not my brother that had a other chick glued to his side last night.

That girl from last night, she was hot but had this crazy look in her eyes. She looked like she was obsessed with him. She wouldn't let any other girl near him but made it look like she was being nice or something. Putting on a show for him.

Come to think of it, she has the same eyes as the brunette standing before me, gazing at my brother. Certain features match here and there but I don't put much thought into it.

Wait a minute, Chad doesn't want her to look at me. He knows that once she has a glimpse of me she'll be at her knees in an instant.

A smirk stretches across my face.

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